Lucasfilm President: Making a Star Wars Film Is Difficult Because We Don't Have Comics or Novels


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Remember when Lucasfilm threw out the Expanded Universe, which comprised decades of non-canonical but rich stories told through novelizations, comics, and video games? Apparently, that was a terrible decision. In a new interview with Rolling Stone, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy admitted that it was difficult to make a Star Wars movie now because there isn't any source material to guide them. "We don’t have comic books. We don’t have 800-page novels."

We don’t have anything other than passionate storytellers who get together and talk about what the next iteration might be. We go through a really normal development process that everybody else does. You start by talking to filmmakers who you think exhibit the sensibilities that you’re looking for. And I would argue that the list is very small — people who really do have the sensibilities about these kind of movies, and then the experience and the ability to handle how enormous a job these movies are.
Did she incur some kind of massive head injury sometime in the last five years or something?

There is so much content outside of the films that are significantly better than anything the movies have done they could literally make a movie every year for the next century without having to write a single original script and not run out of content. It's all better than anything they've done in the last 20 years.
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Man, if only George Lucas was still alive. I mean it's his imagination and storytelling that made Star Wars a generational and world wide phenomenon. Too bad they can't go and get ideas and stories from him.

I know, how about a standalone movie on the fat Asian chick?
I agree. Total B.S. Every f'in thing that's been out in the last 5-6 years has pieces of the canon they said was jettisoned. It seems more like a loophole to avoid paying royalties for ideas others already had.
I guess she finally saw the expensive monumental pieces of **** she created.
How about we have Luke fly in his X-wing to save the day? Nah, let’s make him a whiny bitch who abandons the rebels... besides everyone is going to love the detour on the gambling planet where we introduce some truly remarkable characters on top of that we can make a political statement...
Yes, because there was so many Star Wars novels and comics in 1977 when Star Wars was released.

And the absolutely wonderful (sarcasm) Splinter of the Mind's Eye novel as well as a Han Solo Adventure or two were huge amounts of novelization which aren't even referenced in The Empire Strikes Back but are somehow responsible for the success of that movie.

And of course the other Adventure of Han Solo or two along with maybe a Lando Calrissian Adventure somehow are to blame for the success of Return of the Jedi.

The three most popular Star Wars movies were made without any or very little extra background source materials and those materials had little or nothing to do with the movies themselves. And yet somehow the failure of Disney Star Wars is due to a lack of source material. Or maybe it's just a lack of using the decades worth of source material out there and instead spitting out terrible plots and completely ignoring almost everything Star Wars.
I agree. Total B.S. Every f'in thing that's been out in the last 5-6 years has pieces of the canon they said was jettisoned. It seems more like a loophole to avoid paying royalties for ideas others already had.

In fairness I agree with Disney's decision to clean up the canon. It was a convoluted mess and it was too large to avoid continuity problems and paint the writers of the films into a creative corner. Unfortunately, they didn't hire anyone who could write worth a ****, so this turned out to be a non-issue. I'm sure royalties and other factors are an issue here, but not all of the comics, novels and games were good. Sure, many of the stories were excellent, but a lot of them were mediocre to awful.

Disney has often pulled stuff from the EU and made it canon but are extremely selective about what they use. They should pull more from the best stories the EU has to offer as it would have been a good starting place. Instead, they act like that stuff doesn't exist while making money on it.
In which planet is this person in?
There at least 3 Wikipedia entries on Star Wars literature:

How does a person like this ends up the the position she is in.?
Does competence even matter?
She came in with an agenda and NOTHING else...
It shows in the movies...
Honestly, I can understand the agenda part... Everybody has SOMETHING.. but, i dont understand the profound incompetence part and still be paid millions, and still have a job.
Btw, it would have sounded better if one said there's TOO MUCH novels and books, and so on..
In which planet is this person in?
There at least 3 Wikipedia entries on Star Wars literature:



How does a person like this ends up the the position she is in.?
Does competence even matter?
She came in with an agenda and NOTHING else...
It shows in the movies...
Honestly, I can understand the agenda part... Everybody has SOMETHING.. but, i dont understand the profound incompetence part and still be paid millions, and still have a job.
Btw, it would have sounded better if one said there's TOO MUCH novels and books, and so on..

I think there's one and only one reason she's still at the head of Lucasfilm. She's the one in control and the one who brought in the trash writers and moviemakers. That means she's responsible for everything. It's obvious that Star Wars is a dumpster fire right now and it's too late to save it as it is. They're going to keep her on until Episode 9 flops at which point they can fire her and pin all the problems on her and hopefully start over new.

With the current trilogy out of the way and its failure pinned to her they'll reactivate at least some of the originally planned movies with someone new at the helm who will hopefully not screw it completely up. It's no coincidence that almost all of the additional tentatively planned standalone movies and trilogies went dormant for now. They don't want her hand on any of it to avoid messing things up worse and as a punishment because she'll be fired as a complete failure with no additional chances to redeem herself so they don't have to ever deal with her again down the line.
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