Lucasfilm Shelves Star Wars Movies from Kevin Feige, Patty Jenkins


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
It's been a few years since Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker failed to meet expectations at the box office, earning only half the grosses of 2015's The Force Awakens with an admirable but relatively lacking $1 billion worldwide, but Lucasfilm still seems to be stuck on how to reintroduce what was once a sure-fire franchise to theatrical audiences. According to Variety's sources, Lucasfilm has canceled the development of two high-profile Star Wars film projects, including the one involving Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige that would have presumably demonstrated what a Star Wars film would look like if done in the style of a superhero blockbuster. The other is Patty Jenkin's Rogue Squadron movie, which sources say is no longer in active development at the studio. Jenkins, who's best known for directing Wonder Woman, admitted in December that she wasn't sure if the starfighter film would ultimately happen or not.

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Just shelve the whole effin thing. Shelve marvel while you are at it. Hollywood is in a creative downturn with no end in sight. Worse, its a self feeding cycle, with a public raised on garbage, that seems to only want said garbage.
You see the death throes of the franchise. They bought the golden goose then procedeed to step on its neck.
Considering the inevitable diminishing theatrical returns for both SW and Marvel it is only a matter of time before I expect both to only be on streaming.
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