Little chance there will be a year + of patches adding features and QOL fixes.
Can definitely be a plus and usually we get the complete edition, or at least all that's been released up to that point.
I think in this respect ports are worse, as they are tailored to the console so they miss sometimes even the most common QOL features that are taken for granted on PC. And the features that are added might be tacked on with little care.
I think it depends. Nixxes has had its growing pains but honestly but I feel is no worse than any PC only, or at least games made to take advantage of PC, developers given the number of those that were train wrecks at launch such as Batman Arkham Knight, Mass Effect Andromeda, Metro Exodus, CP2077, Cities Skylines, and more I can't remember or don't play. Nixxes is as least putting more effort into multi-threaded support, direct storage, DLAA, XeSS, FSR, shader caching, and ultra-wide monitor suppport. It'd be nice if RT was there too but they are covering most of the PC bases. I do agree that some texture upgrades would be nice but I've seen worse.
I hear you and have seen or read about a lot of junk but for me Spider-Man (I know CPU-wise it was rough) was decent at launch, and same with God of War and Horizon Forbidden West. I know that HZD was also rough on CPUs at launch as well but I didn't get it until about a year later. Now in the PC community there are so many other factors with each person's build and so on but they both mostly just worked and were optimized as time went on. No different than any other PC game I've bought in the last 10+ years.
I do agree that some ports do essentially have a garbage in/garbage out approach in not taking advantage of PC feature but that isn't always the case. I don't remember if I got GTA V at launch, just that it took at least a year after release for me to even try playing it. RDR2 however I got at launch and still waited almost two years for them to optimize it plus they packed so much visual IQ settings into it that it took that long and more just for my hardware purchases to catch up to take advantage of and honestly couldn't play with max settings at 4K/60+ FPS until I had a 3090 Ti and even then it took them adding DLSS to do so.
However, I agree even more with the idea that Rockstar, and others, are mainly only interested in the double, triple, or more, dip for longterm profits. Also, the sad truth is that a lot of games don't launch on PC in perfect, or even great shape but I don't attribute that to ports only. From mircostutters to GPU specific driver issues, and even some CPU-specific items, there's plenty of non-ported games that need help after launch. It doesn't help that every time we turn around someone is adding a new feature which is great for advancing technology but puts a greater burden on developers to catch up to. I imagine after a bit they end up feeling like Jackie Chan.