Monoprice Has a 49″ 120 Hz Ultrawide Monitor Called Dark Matter


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Images: Monoprice

Ultrawide monitors have gained ground in gaming and work spaces over the last few years. They offer much larger real estate without the need for multiple displays. By eliminating that second or third display, a user can also avoid complications from surround display settings, bezels, and cabling. Monoprice has now added a new contender for a surprisingly more affordable price. At $899, it is still a higher-priced item, but it is substantially cheaper than its $1000 to $2000 counterparts. Meet “Dark Matter,” its 49-inch, 32:9 offering.


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A fixed stand on one of these could be a pain and getting a monitor arm that supports its weight is also $$$.

Interesting offering though - seems to be a CRG9 + 1 HDMI port - HDR
I also miss LAN parties. Are any games still LAN playable except the vintage stuff?

And WTF is this thing.... 49" wide and what, 14" tall? Imma gonna get whiplash looking back and forth. And "only" $900.

Ladies and gentlemen (oh who am I kidding, what ladies are on here), we have reached PEAK widescreen.
I also miss LAN parties. Are any games still LAN playable except the vintage stuff?

And WTF is this thing.... 49" wide and what, 14" tall? Imma gonna get whiplash looking back and forth. And "only" $900.

Ladies and gentlemen (oh who am I kidding, what ladies are on here), we have reached PEAK widescreen.

Paging @Peter_Brosdahl, a recent conversion to the ultrawide master race.

In short, I ran 3x 1920x1200 monitors for around 12 years, now have a single 49". I don't see how people can compute or game with such a narrow fov.
I also miss LAN parties. Are any games still LAN playable except the vintage stuff?

And WTF is this thing.... 49" wide and what, 14" tall? Imma gonna get whiplash looking back and forth. And "only" $900.

Ladies and gentlemen (oh who am I kidding, what ladies are on here), we have reached PEAK widescreen.
As far as LAN goes I'd have to do some research but I'm pretty sure I've come across more than a few modern games that allow people to host their own servers. In terms of UW support turns out most games have it, or some require hex edits which then can adjust the FOV. I recently got a CRG9. It's been an eye-opener for sure. I sit back around 3-4 feet when gaming and the experience for gaming is amazing. At that distance there's not much moving side to side with your head but more focus on using peripheral vision. It feels more immersive and natural, sort of like driving in a car with a big windshield. I'll need to start taking some screenshots. Here's a video review of 32 games on it that pretty much sold me. HDR is pretty clunky but nice when it works(takes some effort). Pretty sure that in moving forward I'll always have at least one UW display in the house.

$900 is more than most are used to I know. I remember when $300 was the higher end but then again that was around 10+ years ago. These days things that stretch the envelope usually start around $700 and easily go to $2000. I'm not really happy with the state of things in the PC monitor realm. Between a strong GPU and display the rest of a rig is pretty much chump change. You need at least something like a 2080 Super to drive these and a 2080 Ti is pretty happy with most things. Of course, modern demanding games are crushing a 2080 Ti left and right in 1080p. . .

edit: Here's a pretty comprehensive list of games that support various types of LAN. BTW PC Gaming Wiki Rocks! Whenever I find myself on the edge of the wave of gaming tech I usually find something useful there.
Death Stranding in 5120x1440 w/ DLSS on quality setting and max settings everything else. Used an HXD hack to get it to 32:9. RTX 2080 Ti happily chugging along at 120 fps.
In short, I ran 3x 1920x1200 monitors for around 12 years, now have a single 49". I don't see how people can compute or game with such a narrow fov.

I can grasp the value for racing games, I think that would be pretty cool. But for other stuff I'd rather have (well I have one already) a nice big 4K monitor for less than half the price.
probably great for flight sim and racing. Pretty terrible for any kind of FPS.
Why would it be bad for an FPS?

If, in real life, something catches your attention in your peripheral view you don't focus on it by turning your eyes to it (mostly) what you'll do is turn your head.

In an FPS, turning your head is using the mouse to turn that direction to see what caught your attention.

It can give you a competitive edge being able to utilize your peripheral vision on the game.
I had a friend that has a triple monitor setup back when the 6970 and 6990 was the latest GPUs. His setup was sick as hell and I loved playing FPS games on it. Granted, he was never better than me when playing any games despite the fact that I only had a single 1080P monitor, but in his defense that was his first gaming PC setup and I had a decade of PC gaming experience on him.

However, I could definitely tell I had not only a better experience, but also a competitive edge playing on his setup over mine.
It's utterly insane but I've already started to think what it would be like to have one on top of another. At this point its totally pointless since no GPU could really drive it but a man can dream.
Why would it be bad for an FPS?

If, in real life, something catches your attention in your peripheral view you don't focus on it by turning your eyes to it (mostly) what you'll do is turn your head.

In an FPS, turning your head is using the mouse to turn that direction to see what caught your attention.

It can give you a competitive edge being able to utilize your peripheral vision on the game.

I agree. I got my first widescreen with my Alienware and noticed the advantages right away when playing a FPS.
I had a friend that has a triple monitor setup back when the 6970 and 6990 was the latest GPUs. His setup was sick as hell and I loved playing FPS games on it. Granted, he was never better than me when playing any games despite the fact that I only had a single 1080P monitor, but in his defense that was his first gaming PC setup and I had a decade of PC gaming experience on him.

However, I could definitely tell I had not only a better experience, but also a competitive edge playing on his setup over mine.

HardOCP did an AMD sponsored event where they actually put that to the test. I remember it provided an advantage. It's not enough to make a bad player good, but it can make a good player a little better.
HardOCP did an AMD sponsored event where they actually put that to the test. I remember it provided an advantage. It's not enough to make a bad player good, but it can make a good player a little better.

Right, I do agree with that.
Why would it be bad for an FPS?

Do any of the modern FPS online games support super ultra mega widescreen? If they only do 16:9 you're getting black bars on sides which defeats purpose, or stretched out.

Racing, flight sims, etc... sure yeah.
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