Need for Speed Unbound Gets a Balancing Update, but Cops Remain as Annoying as Ever


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Criterion Games has released Update 1.1.4 for Need for Speed Unbound, delivering a variety of stability improvements for its new anime-inspired, open-world racing game. Players will find a number of balancing changes for a couple of cars, including the 1976 Volkswagen Golf GTI, a classic hot hatch that's perfect for grip drivers, but unfortunately, the update does not seem to address any of the gameplay issues that have been raised since the racer's release in December 2022.

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It was exactly the annoying cops why I couldn't play Heat. Literally the only way to loose the cops was to go to one of the few predetermined locations with obstacles that they cannot cross. There was no way to loose them with clever driving. Otherwise it could've been a serviceable game.
But this one I didn't like the look of from the get go.
It's been so long since I played one of these that I forgot about this issue. Yeah, the AI for the cops has been completely unrealistic and unbalanced in a number of these games.
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