Newegg Shuffle Program Returns as NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 Series GPUs and Newly Launched RTX 5070 Ti Sell Out in Record Time: “Unprecedented Demand”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Newegg Shuffle allows customers a chance to purchase the incredibly popular products that often sell out immediately. Once entered in the Shuffle, customers are chosen at random, providing a fair and easy way for customers to acquire the latest in graphic technology.

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"Unprecedented Demand"

Yeah right. Everyone knew it was going to happen. I think the only card that might not sell out is the 5050, if one launches, since aside from new features just about everything before it, can beat it, and is still available.
I remember trying for the better part of a year to get a 3090 Ti back the last round and never had any luck. Meanwhile enrolled in the EVGA Stepup program and 3-6 months later got one. EVGA went the extra mile and let me trade it in to upgrade to their liquid cooled version for an extra $400-500 (I don't remember anymore) around 3-6 months after that purchase.

Next big rounds of 5080/5090 stock should be in around 2-3 weeks but I wouldn't be surprised to see a few trickle through. I was checking NowInStock just for the heck of it last week and there are some periodic drops but real inventory should happen, according to rumors, sometime in March. I did a post about this a few days back.
Next big rounds of 5080/5090 stock should be in around 2-3 weeks
Well it seems that asking double or more of the MSRP is not working that great as there are 5090,5080,5070Ti's in stock around here. I'm just keeping an eye on Nvidia shop atm as those are the only 'reasonable' priced ones but that might be in vain
Nvidia has their own signup to 'win' the chance to buy an FE card.
Unprecedented demand, or shortage.... We may never know....
lol, another shuffle this morning and they do have 5080s/5090s but at a glance they are all models priced well above MSRP. For the folks with deep pockets there's a Gigabyte liquid coolded for ~$2890 and for fifty less there's one with a waterblock.
Oh man.

Sorry for all you folks that had your heart set on these.

The Shuffle started out innocent enough, but turned into a crapfest of overpriced combos full of random junk they can't give away any other way.

The real pain is this "shortage" is entirely intentional, I'm absolutely convinced of it. I mean, maybe I need a new tinfoil hat, but ... I just see nVidia AND AIBs AND vendors with every financial incentive to create these shortages, and other than good will to the customer, no reason to not.

They definitely learned from the mining/covid days. Sad part is, until we can get something really competitive in the space it will not change. This is what happens when one company can dominate a market.
While I don't the the 'shortage' is manufactured, the scarcity is. What I mean by that is they make 20k cards... across every country in the world. across every vendor in the world.

When the chips they are sending out are the 'not quite right' or errors from the 'AI' solutions. (as seen by the off number of processing units.)
Well, manufactored/ intentional or not, they are definitely learning a sort of cadance pricing that may or may no bottom out to msrp. Did the 3000 series or the 4000 series ever really dropped to mrsp? Well if people pay the absurd prices, then they will get absurd prices, and seems theres plenty of early adopters with deep enough pockets.
Shuffle today has a few 5070TI cards at MSRP, some moderately to highly overpriced 5080s, and one US$2700 5090
I've entered the NVIDIA verified Gamer program, the Newegg shuffle the two times its been up already, as well as multiple Zotac and MSI drawings to have the "privilege" of becoming a paying customer for a 5090 and I haven't been selected yet. I probably never will be. My luck with RNG is absolutely horrific in every scenario in which it can apply.

EVGA's queue system never got to me either back in the 30 series days.
EVGA took care of me and then some, but never had any luck with anyone else. However, with the way things are going, that's probably a good thing given the growing bingo card of everything wrong with the current inventory.
It's a sad state of affairs that we have to beg for the opportunity to be customers of NVIDIA and buy their $2,000 GPUs. This is what happens when other companies fail to compete.
All 3 models are still in stock here but again prices are still nuts 1.500€ foir the 5070Ti, 1.899€ for the "cheap" 5080's to 2.299€ for the more premium ones and 4.799€ to 4.999€ (5.1881$ for comparison) for the 5090's

And while they may never be in stock the 5080FE is 1.190€ and 5090FE is 2.369€ on the Nvidia shop so there is something funky going on with prices
It's a sad state of affairs that we have to beg for the opportunity to be customers of NVIDIA and buy their $2,000 GPUs. This is what happens when other companies fail to compete.
It's not a failure to compete. It's Nvidia's failure to produce. They released something before they had production under control. You'd think they'd learn by now that demand will be high so they should have product in the pipeline ready to meet that demand. Instead they release a couple thousand GPU's world wide and this is what we get.

Part of me believes it's on purpose.
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