Nintendo 64 Turns 25 Years Old

God, I forgot about that. Bad memory suppression lol! I didn't play Cruisin but I vividly remember those days of corrupted console memory card saves. All the headaches you could go through if taking chances on cheap third-party alternatives. Not to say there weren't good ones but definitely a lot of bad ones.
I'd say Cruisin was among the best arcade ports of that generation. Loved it in the arcade, loved it in the N64
I actually had no idea about that. Going to try and get a copy and apply that patch. Would love to see a PC counterpart to an N64 game as I had realized any existed before. Blame youth!
I got it from GoG
The patch actually supports 16:9 AR. Doesn't work very well on some missions though.
For sure, I think I was mixing that detail up with a half dozen games I started playing on consoles and then sought out the PC versions for. I never enjoyed it as much on PC though. Sure it looked better but the controls never quite felt the same.
I used a MS sidewinder precision pro joystick and it was awesome. Still works to date.
I bought a N64 just to play Zelda on. Ended up playing an awful lot of Mario Kart on it though.

I think it may have been a Donkey Kong edition, back when they were pushing the 3D stuff from SGI (N64 had SGI graphics iirc), and for it's time, DK Country did look good. I miss the old Rare.
I'd say Cruisin was among the best arcade ports of that generation. Loved it in the arcade, loved it in the N64
Wow! I never even realized this made it the N64. Kind of forgot about it actually. Just did a quick google and watched a vid and that brought back some memories. I sank a lot of quarters into this back in the day. The racing games that let you go city to city were always my favorite. There was one I had way back in the 80s on my Atari 400 I used to love but I can't remember what it was called anymore. Sure the graphics were primitive but it even had environmental effects(day/night snow/rain etc.)
I used a MS sidewinder precision pro joystick and it was awesome. Still works to date.
It's been so long I don't remember what I originally used(some kind of cheap junk that's long gone). These days I only use an Xbox controller or K+M. I used some program to map to it but it never quite felt the same. Never like K+M for this one either.
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