Nvidia 2080 TI Super Rumors?


Staff member
May 28, 2019

‘Tis the season for rumors and leaks. There’s been no shortage of new GPU’s or news about possible new GPU’s throughout all of 2019 from any side of the fence. The year started with Nvidia’s launch of it’s RTX lineup which brought dedicated ray tracing hardware to the masses. AMD has launched it’s newest lineup and then we’ve heard about Intel preparing to launch its GPU offerings in 2020. Nvidia, not to be cornered in any market, has placed multiple products at every tier and in recent months and launched it’s “Super” line of Turing cards. Well they seem to not be slowing down and it’s possible a new flagship could be sailing in soon in early 2020. WCCFTECH has reported on possible 2080 TI Super specifications. Here’s a comparison list of some of these potential changes.
  • RTX 2080 TI Super
  • 4608 Cuda Cores
  • 72 RT Cores
  • 576 Tensor Cores
  • 16 Gbps DDR6

  • RTX 2080 TI FE
  • 4352 Cuda Cores
  • 68 RT Cores
  • 544 Tensor Cores
  • 14 Gbps DDR6
Some complete unknowns at the moment are clock speeds and memory size. We know that currently the 2080 TI has 11GB and the Titan RTX has 24GB so there’s definitely room to expand. No mention of price yet either and again there’s a bit of a gap between these two cards.
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At the end of the article at WCCFTECH they have a vote running asking people if they would buy this. As of this post 53% have voted they would wait until ampere and only 19% would if it was the only flagship offered in 2020. The remaining voted they would wait to see what AMD's high-end offering would be. I admit that if priced at or below the current 2080 TI I might be interested.

edit: No mention either if it will support HDMI 2.1 or 2.0, yet. This will become more relevant to those eyeing VRR T.V.'s as they are getting released.
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I'm about to upgrade my monitor setup to be 1440P (Can't afford going 4K on both the monitors and GPU). Debating what to do with the GPU. Currently have a regular 1080, and I don't think it'll drive 1440P fully.
I'm about to upgrade my monitor setup to be 1440P (Can't afford going 4K on both the monitors and GPU). Debating what to do with the GPU. Currently have a regular 1080, and I don't think it'll drive 1440P fully.
Depending on your budget, how soon you want to upgrade, and how demanding the games you play are, a Super 2080 might be a better choice. If wanting the biggest hammer for the job then definitely either x80 TI is the only option. For less demanding games I've seen mine be almost overkill in 1440p for many games in the last 4 years but then comes along something like RDR2 and even 60 fps is unattainable for max settings. With Cyberpunk coming in March I'm sure it'll be another to punish cards into submission even at 1440p.
Depending on your budget, how soon you want to upgrade, and how demanding the games you play are, a Super 2080 might be a better choice. If wanting the biggest hammer for the job then definitely either x80 TI is the only option. For less demanding games I've seen mine be almost overkill in 1440p for many games in the last 4 years but then comes along something like RDR2 and even 60 fps is unattainable for max settings. With Cyberpunk coming in March I'm sure it'll be another to punish cards into submission even at 1440p.
Thanks... The GPU will more than likely wait for 2020 to be replaced, as for now I think 1440p will be doable with my 1080 playing World of Warcraft.
If this comes reality then these video cards are starting to get out of hand. They come out with a card then branch off of it with like 10 different cards of various names with what seems little to no real gains in performance.
If this comes reality then these video cards are starting to get out of hand. They come out with a card then branch off of it with like 10 different cards of various names with what seems little to no real gains in performance.
Think that's crazy check this chart out from Wiki:
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