NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Rumored with 9,984 CUDA Cores


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019

Prominent leaker kopite7kimi has returned with another lovely rumor that suggests NVIDIA is prepping a supercharged version of its current flagship GPU, the GeForce RTX 3080.

The performance of this mysterious SKU (GA102-250-A1) sits between a GeForce RTX 3080 and GeForce RTX 3090, which suggests that we’re probably looking at a GeForce RTX 3080 Ti.

According to specifications teased by kopite7kimi, the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti will flaunt as many as 9,984 CUDA Cores. That happens to be 1,280 more CUDA Cores than the GeForce RTX 3080 (8,704).

The GeForce RTX 3080 Ti also purportedly comes with an upgraded bus. While the GeForce RTX 3080 features a 320-bit memory interface, the GeForce RTX 3080 Ti is said to boast...

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Well, the 3080 pcb has the space to accomodate 11 or 12 gb of ram on a 352 or 384bit interface, so this one is like a no brainer. No need for a board redesign, just stick some extra ram and a cutdown RTX3090 GPU
Jeezus.. all these rumors...
If its people inventing crap well whatever, but this looks like a fud campaign from the as of late extra slimy NV.
Feels counterproductive, petty and unnecessary.
Jeezus.. all these rumors...
If its people inventing crap well whatever, but this looks like a fud campaign from the as of late extra slimy NV.
Feels counterproductive, petty and unnecessary.
actually this one is the most feasable of the ones I've read. The 20GB RTX3080 rumor by december was next to impossible without a board redesign since 16Gb DDR6X Micron chips haven't even been announced yet.

At least for the "RTX3080Ti", everything is already in place.
I admit I'm sick of all the rumors to but this one does make a lot more sense than that 20 GB thing that was being talked about the last couple of months. Honestly would be happy for all if they even had just one card people could consistently buy but at this point it seems well beyond their ability to do even that.
I admit I'm sick of all the rumors to but this one does make a lot more sense than that 20 GB thing that was being talked about the last couple of months. Honestly would be happy for all if they even had just one card people could consistently buy but at this point it seems well beyond their ability to do even that.

Would make sence if big Navi is near RTX 3080 in performance.
Jeezus.. all these rumors...
If its people inventing crap well whatever, but this looks like a fud campaign from the as of late extra slimy NV.
Feels counterproductive, petty and unnecessary.
I'm beginning to think along these lines as well - anything to keep nV in the news cycle without paying for real advertising, and it's doubly effective as AMD has been running a tight ship with very few legitimate-sounding leaks. Just drop a new rumor anytime your competition has a press release - and BAM, free press that helps drown out your competition's message.

You know what would really impress me though? Shipping actual cards to buy. That goes for both colors (well, all 3 now I guess). Show me the money.. er... card, and take my money already.
Just watched the announcement. Nvidia will need this or it looks like their 3080 has serious competition at 50 bucks cheaper with 60% more memory. The 6800xt or biggen or whatever it's called looks AMAZING.
This is going to be interesting. At least 3080 remains competitive at $50 difference, but 3090 seems dead?

The 6900 XT pricing was definitely AMD's forearm jerk @ NVIDIA (middle finger wasn't enough), for sure!
Personally, I believe this rumor has some credibility. These companies are rarely ignorant of what the other company is doing. They play a cat and mouse game where the goal is not to actually hide what they are doing, but delay the information from reaching the competition for as long as possible. A few weeks can make all the difference when it comes to the competition responding. I could get into some of the details of how that happens, but that's a long discussion and really not relevant.

In any case, I think NVIDIA was aware that AMD could come out swinging hard this generation and the 3080 20GB was always going to be a 3080 Ti model with 20GB of RAM.
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