Opening Projections for “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” Have Fallen to $175M


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Critics of Star Wars: The Last Jedi believe that Rian Johnson's film had irreparably damaged the franchise and killed a lot of interest in the final episode. Apparently, they were right: the latest box office projections for The Rise of Skywalker are in, and relatively speaking, they aren't pretty: while initial estimates were as high as $225M (domestic), at least one tracking firm believes it could open to just $175M. Force Awakens and Last Jedi opened at $247M and $220M, respectively.

...“Rise of Skywalker” will arguably be the most scrutinized release of the year. This is Disney’s first theatrical “Star Wars” release since “Solo: A Star Wars Story” bombed at the box office with just $392.9 million grossed worldwide, the lowest total ever for the 42-year franchise even without inflation adjustment. The disappointing figures led Disney to recalibrate their plans for “Star Wars,” with the next few projects in the franchise being developed for the Disney+ streaming service while the next theatrical release won’t come until 2022.
I doubt it will go that well honestly. I think people will seriously wait for their favorite Youtubers and people with trusted opinions to give the film the green light before anyone sees it. The Last Jedi was so bad that it splatters both the preceding and succeeding films with feces.
Got my doubts too. BTW We're loving Mandolorian more and more with each episode. Star Wars done right.
Got my doubts too. BTW We're loving Mandolorian more and more with each episode. Star Wars done right.

To be fair, it's usually done better on the small screen with fans. The Clone Wars TV show has some bad filler episodes which were obviously at George Lucas's insistence, but overall the show is solid and fills in many gaps in the prequel trilogy such as Anakin's journey to the dark side being shown more gradually and with more thought and care. Star Wars Rebels wasn't without problems, but it was another solid entry in the franchise. I actually prefer it to the Clone Wars in some respects, though I may be alone in that regard.

Star Wars Resistance is basically total crap. Prior to the Mandalorian 2 out of 3 being good isn't bad. In fairness, resistance also bears the fecal stains of the Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. It's hard to do something good in the wake of the new trilogy. Anything connected with it will be hamstrung from the start.

While the Mandalorian and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order do have some tie ins with the current trilogy, they keep the connections to a minimum.
To be fair, it's usually done better on the small screen with fans. The Clone Wars TV show has some bad filler episodes which were obviously at George Lucas's insistence, but overall the show is solid and fills in many gaps in the prequel trilogy such as Anakin's journey to the dark side being shown more gradually and with more thought and care. Star Wars Rebels wasn't without problems, but it was another solid entry in the franchise. I actually prefer it to the Clone Wars in some respects, though I may be alone in that regard.

Star Wars Resistance is basically total crap. Prior to the Mandalorian 2 out of 3 being good isn't bad. In fairness, resistance also bears the fecal stains of the Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. It's hard to do something good in the wake of the new trilogy. Anything connected with it will be hamstrung from the start.

While the Mandalorian and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order do have some tie ins with the current trilogy, they keep the connections to a minimum.
I don't think its a small screen vs big screen issue... Its a risk/influence issue.
Small screen probably considered a less of a risk for loss of money, hence head honchos leave talent mostly to their own devices (or relatively more so lets say) Big screen head honchos seem to feel a need for complete control, and to shove agendas and **** like that. There is zero question star wars the movies were drowned in agendas and weird **** that got in the way of a decent narrative.
Star Wars Rebels wasn't without problems, but it was another solid entry in the franchise. I actually prefer it to the Clone Wars in some respects, though I may be alone in that regard.
Agree with you on all fronts there. I like Clone Wars but by the time it hit full speed I was pretty much over it. I do know someone who loves it more than just about any other SW t.v. project. When Rebels started I wasn't much into it. Somewhere around the 2nd or 3rd season Disney started running 3-4 hour blocks in the early am and I watch as a I often get up early. By then it started to hit full speed and I love almost every episode to the end.

Resistance. The less said the better. Tried. Almost threw up. Stopped trying.
Clone Wars was decent (especially the Clone Trooper specific episodes). Some of the characters introduced in there are just as strong as the classic trilogy characters, imo.

Never did get much into Resistance, thought maybe it'd be like Rebels where it would start off slow but then get good - doesn't sound like that will be the case because I'm pretty sure I read this upcoming season would be its last.

Really hoping they'll get into Ezra's fate soon. I'm assuming after Rise of Skywalker to avoid potential Palpatine spoilers. Or perhaps they'll address it in the Mandalorian? Who knows, but it's nice to feel optimistic about Star Wars projects (even if the new main films have been stinkers).
I don't think its a small screen vs big screen issue... Its a risk/influence issue.
Small screen probably considered a less of a risk for loss of money, hence head honchos leave talent mostly to their own devices (or relatively more so lets say) Big screen head honchos seem to feel a need for complete control, and to shove agendas and **** like that. There is zero question star wars the movies were drowned in agendas and weird **** that got in the way of a decent narrative.

Well, you've touched on some of what the difference is. Here is what it boils down to.

The fact that it is on the small screen vs. the big screen isn't the issue. The difference is who is in charge of what and where. The TV shows outside of Resistance, have Dave Filoni in charge of them. This includes The Mandalorian. His name is on Resistance but even he's said he's more or less hands off on that one because of other projects he's working on. Dave Filoni worked closely with George Lucas and respects the source material. This is a guy who understands what makes Star Wars work. He's also not afraid to take it in new directions when needed.

In contrast, you have Jar Jar Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy and that ******* with a soccer ball for a head, Ruins Johnson. These three hacks are more interested in identity politics than telling a good story. Those three have no respect for the source material and have no idea what makes it work.
All I can tell you is that I've seen every main line Star Wars movie in the theater since Episode 1. There were no ifs, ands or buts about seeing them; it was simply going to be watched in the theater. For Episode 9 that's definitely not the case. I flat out felt cheated before I left the theater with Episode 8. It's the reason there was no way I was going to see Solo in the theater although I had previously gone to see Rogue One in the theater.

Right now the only way I'll see Episode 9 in the theater is if my son's friend absolutely wants to see it and wants to keep the tradition going. Except for Solo my son, his friend and I have gone to see all the recent Star Wars movies in the theater. I'm perfectly happy to wait to see it until it's on Netflix or it shows up on DVD at the local library. The atrocity of Episode 8 made sure to kill any real desire I had to see the movie.

While there's a slim chance it might turn out to be a decent movie on its own, the chance is very small and it's going to be screwed up because it has to follow from the dumpster fire which is Episode 8. I wasn't a big fan of Episode 7 but at least there was potential with the story in later movies. That potential was annihilated with the making of Episode 8 and Episode 9 doesn't really have a chance in hell because of it.
Got my tickets to go Friday. Don't really care what reviewers say at this point. Yeah the last few haven't been great, but hopefully this one changes that.
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