Oscar Isaac to Play Solid Snake In Metal Gear Solid Movie


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Konami

We’re not convinced that Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Solid requires a live-action remake (like most of his games, it’s already highly cinematic), but the long-gestating project from Kong: Skull Island director Jordan Vogt-Roberts appears to finally be happening. According to Deadline’s sources, Oscar Isaac has signed on to play ex-FOXHOUND operative Solid Snake for Sony’s upcoming adaptation of Konami’s hit 1998 stealth-action title.

Isaac is probably best known for playing Poe Dameron in the Star Wars sequel trilogy, but based on his other credits, which include critically acclaimed films such as Ex Machina and Inside Llewyn Davis, we’re expecting him to do a fine job of bringing Snake to life...

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Can I pay $20 to see Kurt Russel as old man Snake? Jokes aside Oscar Isaac has been great in everything I’ve seen him in. Star Wars new trilogy sucked but his performance was one of the better parts in my opinion.
Can I pay $20 to see Kurt Russel as old man Snake? Jokes aside Oscar Isaac has been great in everything I’ve seen him in. Star Wars new trilogy sucked but his performance was one of the better parts in my opinion.
I read somewhere that Oscar Isaac was to play Snake Plissken on a Escape from NY reboot.
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