Ryan Reynolds Launches Streaming Service That Plays Only One Movie


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Disney

Ryan Reynolds – you know, the guy who plays Deadpool – prides himself on being a funny guy. His latest stunt is Mint Mobile+, a streaming service named after the premium wireless service that he purchased last year. What’s cool is that the streaming site is completely free to access, but what’s stupid is that it only plays one movie: 2003’s Foolproof, which stars Kristin Booth and, unsurprisingly, Ryan Reynolds.

While the catalog is lacking, this is a pretty interesting way to market a cellular service. “It’s a bit unconventional which is why I like it,” said Reynolds after his Mint Mobile purchase. “Celebrities generally invest in high-end products like skincare brands or delicious gin companies. Yet Mint is making wireless way more affordable at a time when...

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I bet that dude is fun as hell to hang out with.
I can't say I've enjoyed all his stuff but man he's given me some good laughs over the years, ever since Vanderpool. The Enya DP2 seriously had me almost fall off the couch!
I can't say I've enjoyed all his stuff but man he's given me some good laughs over the years, ever since Vanderpool. The Enya DP2 seriously had me almost fall off the couch!

Oh I totally agree. Not a fan of all of his movies (not necessarily his fault, mind you) but I am definitely a fan of most of the stuff he posts on his Twitter account.
Love his websites quote for Mint Mobile.
While every other tech titan is off chasing rockets, I’ll corner the budget-friendly wireless sector. Like most people, I only use rockets 10-12 times a year but I use my mobile service every day. – Ryan Reynolds
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