Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Modder Beats Respawn to the Punch by Fixing Crashes While Also Adding Improvements


Staff member
May 28, 2019
A Star Wars Jedi: Survivor modder has not only provided a fix for crashing issues in the game but also added optimizations to it. To Respawn's credit, the developer has been regularly releasing patches for the game. This week marked the sixth patch for it where the developer said it had provided some fixes and improvements, however, players were quick to criticize that the game still not running well. Meanwhile, Steam member Snight01 has taken matters into their own hands and released a pair of patches to assist with ray tracing and occlusion culling issues.

Snight01 has released two patches for those concerned with limited hardware resources. One addresses both ray tracing crashing issues and occlusion culling white flashes, available here, while the other is only for fixing ray tracing, available here. At the time of this writing, there are already four pages on the thread where this has been posted on Steam with the vast majority of responses praising the mods. The author has even provided information regarding the configuration (ini) settings it is using.

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Actually just finished Jedi Survivor yesterday. Great game, but only had a few issues with crashes after the first patch. They could have left it alone, but the stuttering which I really didn't have an issue with at the beginning progressively got worse with each patch. The last patch seemed to make Cal have white gloves on from time to time. Maybe he was doing a dust test on a side mission I missed?
The last patch seemed to make Cal have white gloves on from time to time.
I didn't read anything about that but when reading the thread for this mod I was kind of shocked about the number of graphical anomalies that people were bringing up. In particular lighting with caves or at the edge of the screen, or screenspace shadows, etc.
I didn't read anything about that but when reading the thread for this mod I was kind of shocked about the number of graphical anomalies that people were bringing up. In particular lighting with caves or at the edge of the screen, or screenspace shadows, etc.
I really didn't have any of those issues, just the occasional glitch like I mentioned. I tried to go back to play Fallen Order, and it really doesn't compare to Jedi Survivor as far as the game play goes.
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