Star Wars: Squadrons Is Free on Epic Games Store until December 1


Staff member
May 28, 2019
EA Motive's 2020 space-combat sim that features both single and multiplayer campaigns, Star Wars: Squadrons, is currently free on the Epic Games Store.

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I didn't care much for this game surprisingly. Free is free though.
EA's profit margins on those most be contractually thin so they are giving away a lot of Star Wars content.
EA's profit margins on those most be contractually thin so they are giving away a lot of Star Wars content.
I thought egs giveaways were paid for by tencent's pockets. Sure EA has to agree, but it's no cost to them, they still get their cut as if they were real sales.
I'm not sure what EA is doing with this game. At this point, I'm losing track of how many times it's been offered for free. I got it about a year ago and I don't even remember where from.
I'm not sure what EA is doing with this game. At this point, I'm losing track of how many times it's been offered for free. I got it about a year ago and I don't even remember where from.
Got mine through Epic, but it was a while ago.
I'm not sure what EA is doing with this game. At this point, I'm losing track of how many times it's been offered for free. I got it about a year ago and I don't even remember where from.
I tried it when it came out, but the game is so poor that I'm not getting it even for free. They'd need to pay me to play it.
I haven’t played it, so I’ll probably snag it for free. The question is, how can you screw up an x-Wing type game. Should be nearly impossible
I haven’t played it, so I’ll probably snag it for free. The question is, how can you screw up an x-Wing type game. Should be nearly impossible
The single player is an afterthought, with the most obnoxious and annoying characters. Plus the missions were very basic far from the complex multi part unpredictable missions I was used to in Tie Fighter or X-Wing alliance.

And another thing that bothered me was that the scale seemed to be off in internal view. Everything was tiny, like you are flying the death star itself.
I admit that I still haven't really played it. I think I booted it up once and wasn't drawn in enough to go further but that isn't the game's fault, I'm just too burnt out on Star Wars games (same for Star Trek but I would like an exploratory single-player game that doesn't get hung up on the various known conflicts).
I would add, if you make a game a good portion of the gamers will think you screwed it up no matter how good the game is, that's the internet for you.
Sad but true. There are more than a few games that I like that I've seen many others jump on a hate train with but then on the flipside there have been some that everyone and their dog raves about that I just don't get into.
The single player is an afterthought, with the most obnoxious and annoying characters. Plus the missions were very basic far from the complex multi part unpredictable missions I was used to in Tie Fighter or X-Wing alliance.
Ah well sh1t, that doesn't sound good. I bought the game a few months ago for 10 bucks. I played a few missions but put the game on the back-burner cuz I had/have other games I started first that need to be finished. Was planning to go back to the the game when I got done with all those other ones. You're not exactly making me look forward to it though. I will say that what little I played seemed okay/good. But coming from the old X-Wing/TIE Fighter games and the Rogue Squadron games, I was really hoping I would find a lot to enjoy here too. I only know one person who played this game, and I recall he seemed to enjoy it. The fact I never hear anyone talking about this game does give me pause.

See this is exactly why I need to try games out with community demos first. Always always ALWAYS try before you buy.

I thought egs giveaways were paid for by tencent's pockets. Sure EA has to agree, but it's no cost to them, they still get their cut as if they were real sales.
I always wondered how the EGS free games sh1t worked.
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