Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Final Trailer Released


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
The Skywalker saga will end in two months when Star Wars: Episode IX hits theaters. Lucasfilm has released a final trailer for "The Rise of Skywalker" to lead ticket presales, but while the effects look great, it's hard to say whether the writers learned anything after The Last Jedi, which was despised by most fans.

The Resistance is resilient and even in the darkest of times, faith in not only the Force, but in good people coming together to fight evil in the galaxy could win the day. Or it could be their undoing, if you listen to what sounds like the haunting voice of the Emperor.
This movie is basically set up to fail by Rian Johnson. While he didn't work on it directly, he did the previous installment and made a huge mess of things.

Essentially, there were so many plot holes and bad creative decisions in Episode 8 that following it up will lead to only two outcomes. Either this installment will be total trash or it will be mediocre at best. Episode 9 has to follow up a film which was essentially made using a B movie grade script. There was a huge budget behind it, so it appears like film that's properly polished, but it isn't. I think Starship Troopers 2 is a better written movie. I'm not saying its actually better than Episode 8, but it is better written at the very least.

There are so many things wrong with Episode 8 that a great deal of Episode 9 will have to be devoted to damage control. That involves trying to retcon various problems with Episode 8 patch plot holes and explain away the nonsense. That will have a negative impact on Episode 8. There are even things about Episode 8 which no amount of damage control can resolve. The Space Leia scene comes to mind as something that's best not mentioned ever again in the hopes that people will forget it, but they probably won't.

Disney was in a corner no matter what it did with this one. They didn't dare not follow up Episode 8, but at the same time, it will hurt Episode 9 significantly. I think Disney hopes that the Star Wars name will at least carry the film to at least break even financially even if the film is a failure with audiences. I suspect critics will call it the best Star Wars movie of all time while viewers that do see it in theaters won't be too happy with the result.

This is why I can't get excited about the film.

Really, there is only two fixes as I see it. Disney would have to effectively remake Episode 8 and cut a minimal amount of footage from the existing piece into the movie and throw some name on top of it to re-release it. Such a do-over would still leave the movie as technically being episode 8, but it would resolve a great number of problems with the theatrical cut. This would be essential to the needed course correction of the trilogy. It's also a better option than trying to do all the damage control in Episode 9, which will hurt that film.

Alternatively, another option would be to pull a "Dallas" and claim that Episode 8 was a dream sequence or something. This strategy is always a cop out sort of way to retcon a story, but creatively, its almost the only way you can fix certain egregious story issues and bad creative choices. It's a way to keep the content legitimate while undoing creative missteps. This is in opposition to the Highlander film approach, which is to simply ignore a previous or bad film entirely. While easier, it creates significant continuity issues and ultimately, is a worse approach in my opinion.

For those who do not know, "Pulling a Dallas" refers to the TV series "Dallas" in which a major event that impacted an entire season of the show in which a character was killed off", was retconned as a dream sequence. This essentially invalidated an entire season of the TV show, which angered many fans.

I don't know if anyone else calls this trope "pulling a Dallas" as I do, it does sort of fit. This isn't something that's done very often as it's considered a bad creative decision, but it is a mulligan of sorts and I think Star Wars could pull this off. It's practically the easiest way to get out of the mess that is Episode 8 and salvage the trilogy in some fashion. It would at the very least allow Episode 9 to move forward without the previous installment anchoring the film down.

The movie is so disjointed and nonsensical that this would be almost believable. However, this method renders the 8th installment more useless than it already is and while it won't be relegated to the depths of the Star Wars Holiday Special, it will be an utterly skippable movie when watching the trilogy. Although, it really already is and I don't have a problem with that.
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I don't know if anyone else calls this trope "pulling a Dallas" as I do, it does sort of fit. This isn't something that's done very often as it's considered a bad creative decision, but it is a mulligan of sorts and I think Star Wars could pull this off. It's practically the easiest way to get out of the mess that is Episode 8 and salvage the trilogy in some fashion. It would at the very least allow Episode 9 to move forward without the previous installment anchoring the film down.

Most sensible way to pull a Dallas for TLJ would be to have the whole movie a "vision" while Rey was undergoing her Force training through Luke (say, when she enters that pit of darkness or whatever it was).

And, yeah - feeling very little excitement for this one. I'm more hopeful that it will be a stronger movie than TLJ, but that title was so deflating to the saga as a whole.
The trailer was so boring to me. It really only was good if you were emotionally involved in the story line that started with 7, and was eagerly anticipating the final conclusion. At least it confirmed what I suspected - that Kylo and Rey would end up working together at some point against "a greater evil." :rolleyes:
I suppose I'm in the minority that didn't have a huge problem with episode 8. But I also enjoyed Han Solo so there you have it.

I'm looking forward to this movie and anticipate seeing it.

If Disney wants a HUGE win... they should have it on their Disney + service as well as a simultaneous launch. Imagine the subscriber numbers! lol.
I dunno, these last three are just a weak story, and special effects just aren't really enough to sell it.

When the first Star Wars hit the screen, Lucas had used some artistic expression and created a good story. Albeit yet another light against dark theme, but it was a good watch for it's day.

What do these there movies have? Capitalization off of a dated franchise.

I will see this movie, as I have seen all of them, but I'll wait to stream it or find it in a bargain bin.
I was excited to see the new movie after watching the trailer. I don't really dissect a movie like I used to, and there are problems with just about any movie. I just try to enjoy a movie for what it is now.
I've tried so hard to like this run. At moments, here and there, I can see some things I like but as a whole just can get engaged with it. I've gotten desensitized with dramatic music and edits of trailers so this one didn't really pull me in either. Haven't seen any of the post Disney Wars in the theater but do own them all on disc and will wait for this one as well. Ep8 is the one I re-watch the least but I have to continually give credit to Rogue One as the one we enjoy the most. Just re-watched that one last weekend and feel its holding up well against this storyline.
Looks like shots from the movie are leaking out (or at least decent looking fakes), so be wary of the internet if you're trying to go into this spoiler free.
I'm sure I'll watch it but Disney has literally destroyed the greatest movie franchise im history. I won't even get into the SJW agenda as that's been well documented.

But the craptastic group of characters are the biggest problems in my opinion, making Rey super bad *** powerful with no weakness is another problem. I'm surprised there wasn't a scene where she bitch slapped Yoda. Luke had to struggle for 2 movies before finally overcoming the bad guys.

That's another thing, the Empire was never comedy fodder or keystone cops... They were legit scary bad guys. The first order are a bunch of bungling fools and Kylo Ren is a mopey, whiney, emo kid that we've all scene down at Starbucks. Not only is he not intimidating but Rey's already kicked his *** in Ep 7 and 8. Snoke could've been a great bad guy but no they killed him off before he every went anywhere.

Killing off legendary characters, making Luke a neutered old man that gets his *** kicked by the almighty Rey.... I could go on.

The magic of Star Wars has always been George Lucas' imagination. Yes his stories are campy, his dialogue is cheesy but Star Wars has never been about Oscar winning movies, it's about telling a fantastic story, putting your criticism aside and just losing yourself and having fun for a couple hours in pure fantasy. Without Lucas writing and directing your movies, they'll NEVER be Star Wars.
I like the concept of Kylo Ren - he's the real story of the last trilogy. Born of heroes, but turns to the dark side because he yearns for love, of all things, and idolizes the most evil version of his grandfather as a way of rebelling against his parents. And the potential return of Palpatine makes that all the more interesting.

Too bad the movies aren't doing the potential story there justice and have just turned Kylo into a petulant goth emo. Rey and all that are being made the story, but there isn't anything interesting there - or at least not yet, nothing to burn two entire films over. And it's more or less burned Luke and Han (I won't blame Carrie Fisher's death on Disney... or should I?)
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