I'm not a fan of DLSS. Makes everything look like dog poo.
And FSR looks even worse. Sometimes way worse. But I have seen implementations of both that look pretty good too, and same with XeSS.
I would much rather use DLAA. Good gawd, the image quality provided by DLAA is absolutely incredible. AMD's answer to this was announced as part of FSR3, and I can't wait to check it out. Not expecting results as good as DLAA, but should still be an improvement over all the shader-based AA methods like TAA. I was a fan of FXAA back in the day despite its shortcoming, but SMAA was always my favorite shader-based AA. I never cared for TAA. Now f*ck all of them, cuz DLAA is here.
But yeah I use DLAA cuz as a 3090 owner (which I got for free) that games at 1440p, I often don't need the upscaling, or the performance boost that comes with it. I either run games at native 1440p, or use nVidia DSR to run games at 4K downscaled to 1440p (or if a game provides in-game functions to do this, I use that instead of DSR).
Seems like if I was a developer I would first implement features that can help all users and implement hardware specific items at a later time.
I write this as an NVidia user. I had no problem with them doing FSR first because it make sense for the studio to do, even if it wasn't AMD sponsored.
While I normally would agree with this, and tend to prefer sh1t that isn't locked to specific hardware (and I dislike proprietary tech), it's also true that the vast the majority of PC gamers use nVidia hardware. So I think it makes sense to implement features that most people gaming on PC will be able to use. On the other hand, literally
everyone can use FSR and XeSS, so I guess that makes those users the wider audience. Honestly though there's no excuse not to ship with all 3 out the gate. Other devs do it, but apparently Bethesda couldn't be bothered, cuz they are lazy (big surprise).