Switzerland Legalizes 3D-Printed Suicide Pod That Can Be Activated by Blinking


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Sarco

Switzerland has legalized the use of a novel but controversial contraption designed for assisted suicide.

Developed by Dr. Philip Nitschke, the founder of Exit International (a non-profit organization that advocates for voluntary euthanasia and assisted suicide) who has earned the arguably appropriate nickname of “Dr. Death,” the Sarco is a 3D-printed suicide capsule with a futuristic design that purportedly kills its occupants painlessly through the use of nitrogen. One of the more unique aspects of the high-tech tomb is that users who lack mobility can still be in full control of the process; the Sarco can be activated merely by blinking.

Nitschke reiterated how the device worked in an interview with swissinfo.ch over the weekend:

It’s a 3-D printed capsule, activated from the inside by the person intending to die. The machine can be towed...

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So they are monetizing suicide? I mean I get it there is a market for it it seems. But I bet that bill is one that has to be paid fully up front. Because what family wouldn't fight that **** in the court of law. "What do you mean Uncle ray willed all of his assets to the suicide company. Oh no we are suing to stop that **** now." and I bet the lawsuit would work too.
So they are monetizing suicide? I mean I get it there is a market for it it seems. But I bet that bill is one that has to be paid fully up front. Because what family wouldn't fight that **** in the court of law. "What do you mean Uncle ray willed all of his assets to the suicide company. Oh no we are suing to stop that **** now." and I bet the lawsuit would work too.
Nah, payment plan is the way to go here.
It would be a strange concept to have funerals where people actually witness their own funeral, and then at the very end they get into their coffin, perform their assisted suicide in front of everyone, and on confirmation of death are then immediately burried into the ground.
In our air tight hyperbolic chambr no need for dirty chemicals to keep your corpse looking fresh. Fresicorpse stay looking fresh for an eternity.
In our air tight hyperbolic chambr no need for dirty chemicals to keep your corpse looking fresh. Fresicorpse stay looking fresh for an eternity.
No preservatives or artificial coloring added! :)
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