Target Denies Rumors It Will Stop Selling Physical Media In-Store and Online by 2025


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Target has responded to a rumor from last week claiming that the retailer will stop selling physical media, including DVDs, in-store and online by 2025, clarifying that the reports are false and that it will continue to offer titles in store.

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The handful of people buying physical media are going to bitch and complain but the fact is that as a business, Target would only get rid of physical media if carrying it isn't profitable. It's as simple as that. While I am glad you can still buy physical media, I can't recall the last time I actually did it.
I don't necessarily mind the death of physical media but I completely object to losing the choice for access to the higher quality formats. Streaming has improved but still doesn't compare and if they're going to abandon discs then digital codes ought to give you access to the disc file versions instead of further compressed streaming ones. Even in my old age with decreased vision/hearing I can still see and hear the differences between them. Either way, though I know that's not going to happen.

The writing has been on the wall for a long time with this stuff and this is just another nail in the coffin for physical media. Prices have already been going back up for 4K discs over the last 24+ months and it will reach a breaking point when even those who want it bow out.
I don't necessarily mind the death of physical media but I completely object to losing the choice for access to the higher quality formats. Streaming has improved but still doesn't compare and if they're going to abandon discs then digital codes ought to give you access to the disc file versions instead of further compressed streaming ones.
Yeah, I wouldn't care so much if video matched the quality of blu-ray, or if music had FLAC-level quality. But they usually don't. I don't buy blu-rays but I still get blu-ray media, because I grab BD rips. Also buying BDs is mostly a cost problem, because I don't have issues buying $5 BDs. But when they wanna charge like 30 bucks, they can get the f*ck outta here wif dat sh1t.

Also I don't use media that depends on Internet access while I am using it. I run videos and music from local storage.

Even in my old age with decreased vision/hearing I can still see and hear the differences between them.
Same, and that also goes for most people I know, all the way to people in their 80s.

Prices have already been going back up for 4K discs over the last 24+ months and it will reach a breaking point when even those who want it bow out.
Also buying BDs is mostly a cost problem, because I don't have issues buying $5 BDs. But when they wanna charge like 30 bucks, they can get the f*ck outta here wif dat sh1t.

I usually buy when a local shop sels them for 3 for 25€ orso.
This is accurate, for reasons I cannot understand.
Well, article mentions a survey in which only 50% of vinyl buyers have a vinyl record player; which if accurate might suggest a collectible market baked in those numbers.
Vinyls had that halo effect of audiophiles and such I guess.
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