And with the increased cost in materials there is little chance of that happening. I mean lets look at it this way.
"America is our greatest consumer by a fair margin but these increased costs are going to make American Made products in our category cost competitive."
"so lets move our production to the US?"
"well we would have to basically charge the same increased costs, but incur them ourselves, rather than the tarrif's creating a consumer increase in cost"
"What do you mean?"
"Tarriff's by design make imported goods cost competitive with locally made goods of the same type."
"So who makes these devices/cards in the US?"
"That's just it... nobody does."
"So we would incur the greater cost to have American production of our goods, to only sell them at the same increased cost to the consumer but we would have to charge those costs rather than the government, not to mention when the next leadership comes in the chance of them removing the Tariff's making our investment and costs for labor ultimately a net loss?"
"Well when you put it that way... let the American's pay more... Not like they have local vendors making 5090 cards anyway, and they still have all the increased materials and costs around actually hiring American's to produce the goods."