Undawn Zombie Survival Game with Will Smith Has “Flopped Spectacularly”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Undawn, a F2P zombie-apocalypse co-op shooter that Tencent Games launched for iOS, Android, and PC via Steam in June 2023 with Hollywood star Will Smith in one of its leading roles (i.e., legendary survivor Trey Jones), has "flopped spectacularly," according to the report from Reuters today that discusses how Tencent is moving away from making fewer big foreign franchise games, including Assassin's Creed Jade, which is now reportedly launching in 2025.

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Given I did not know this game even existed I'm not surprised then. I'm usually always in for some more zombie stuff.
If a game, movie, or television show flops and has little to no publicity I don't necessarily blame those who made it. Sure there's a lot of crap out there that should be forgotten but if I heard of this it was once and then gone until now and for that, I put the blame on the publisher and given the mixed reviews for this game it seems reasonable it might've done better if it had more coverage. I'm done with zombie games but that doesn't mean there's still not a market for them.

It's funny how often the crap nobody wants gets advertising and then Hollywood or a big-name publisher is shocked that it flops but then how many fans will speak up after something they like gets canned or flops but nobody but them knew about.

I read the story in the source link for this and this is actually just a footnote as the main topic in that story is the changes that Tencent, and other companies, are going through as multiple projects fail in the mobile market right now and they are struggling to find new IPs to make new profits with.
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