Unreal Engine 5 Update Adds Improvements for DX12 PSO Caching in Order to Further Minimize Stuttering in Games


Staff member
May 28, 2019
A new Unreal Engine 5 update aims to further alleviate the bane of immersive gaming; stuttering that is caused by asset loading. The system 5.2 update builds upon a pre-caching feature called PSO Caching that was added in 5.1 and has been further improved upon. Highlights of the Unreal Engine 5 PSO Caching update include system stability improvements, objects are no longer drawn before PSOs are available, optimizations for the number of precached PSOs, and improvements to the previous manual method of PSO caching allowing it to be used with the new pre-cache system.

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Because inquiring minds want to know:
PSO = Pipeline State Object

I did not know that and had to look it up. I kept thinking Phantasy Star Online and saying "That just can't be right"
Because inquiring minds want to know:
PSO = Pipeline State Object

I did not know that and had to look it up. I kept thinking Phantasy Star Online and saying "That just can't be right"
I had put a link for that in my 5.1 update post but forgot to include one here but the link to that story is included in this one.

Edit: That original story also includes a link to the Unreal page describing what it is.
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