World of Warcraft Executive Assures Fans That Microsoft Just Wants to ‘Let Blizzard Be Blizzard’ and a Console Version Isn’t Impossible


Staff member
May 28, 2019
World of Warcraft executive producer and vice president Holly Longdale is letting fans know to not worry following Microsoft's acquisition of Blizzard. Longdale has been speaking with multiple media outlets as World of Warcraft's next expansion, The War Within, gets closer to launching. The upcoming expansion, called the Worldsoul Saga, is to be the beginning of a new trilogy for the nearly two-decade-old franchise. In speaking with VGC Longdale acknowledges the challenges of keeping interest from players for such a long-running franchise along with concerns of the after-effects of Microsoft's purchase of Blizzard.

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And consoles will be the final nail in the coffin of the game. ESPECIALLY if they open up voice chat...

Forget that mess. RP and the communities in the game built around text chat are what has kept this game afloat. Take that out of the game and it's just going to be a short jump in players before it dies on the vine.

My opinion at least.

Ask Final Fantasy XIV they know.
Tbh I'm shocked that twenty years on that this game is still any kind of a cash cow for them but yeah, adding voice chat would probably end that. I've heard similar rumblings around the internet when games to PC and its announced they'll support it.
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