You Can Play PlayStation 2 Games on Xbox Series X|S


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Microsoft

It appears that Microsoft’s next-gen consoles make for some fabulous emulation boxes. As demonstrated by a recent video from Modern Vintage Gamer, Xbox Series S owners have been using the system to run various PlayStation 2 games with the RetroArch emulator, which it seems to do splendidly.

This is made possible by the fact that the Xbox Series X|S includes a developer mode that allows users to run Universal Windows Platform apps (i.e., Windows Store apps). While RetroArch and other emulators have reportedly been banned from the Windows Store, the emulator can easily be found on the official RetroArch page.

Modern Vintage...

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Hilarious. I feel like I can almost hold my breath long enough until MS rolls out a firmware update to block this.
Hilarious. I feel like I can almost hold my breath long enough until MS rolls out a firmware update to block this.
We will see, I think part of their approach has been that by allowing this on these Developer Mode consoles they reduce hackers motivation to break the thing wide open.
Sony sure as hell learned that the hard way after promising Linux support, providing it, and removing it. They basically created all the motivation necessary for hackers to work together.

Then you add some big differences like the fact that users have to pay for this functionality via a 20$ MS package. I think it would be harder to just arbitrarily remove it, although I suppose they could just stop providing it for new users.
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We will see, I think part of their approach has been that by allowing this on these Developer Mode consoles they reduce hackers motivation to break the thing wide open.
Sony sure as hell learned that the hard way after removing promising Linux support, providing it, and removing it. They basically created all the motivation necessary for hackers to work together.

Then you add some big differences like the fact that users have to pay for this functionality via a 20$ MS package. I think it would be harder to just arbitrarily remove it, although I suppose they could just stop providing it for new users.
Adding access to an endless library of games on your console for a quarter the price of a classic console? Sounds like a good deal to me.
I know this is Retroarch based and not specifically targeting PS1/2 emulation. But still, is kind of hilarious.

I bet real money that MS slams this little backdoor shut real quick... maybe.

I also bet that if they don't, Sony is going to deploy Special Lawyer Strike Team Six on MS with tactical nukes, post haste.
Last i heard, it was only via Developer mode, and you needed a code emailed to you from the guy providing Retroarch access... he had done it once before on last gen Xbox and got shut down after only a couple hundred people got access. He claims he had a few thousand (which is probably one code for every actual XB1SX out there), but fully expects his current dev account to get banned and future updates to get blocked.
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