Zack Snyder Shares Plans for Rebel Moon: Part Three as Director Receives His Worst Reviews to Date


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Netflix hasn't confirmed whether it's open to financing another Rebel Moon film yet, but if that comes to pass, director Zack Snyder is ready, according to a new interview with the director, one in which he shares new insight about his latest film universe, including its upcoming director's cuts and what could potentially be a part three.

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Yea I have animosity towards any further movies or this series being made. Like if Netflix chose to do that I might cancel Netflix.
I haven't seen either of them but as I understand they are bland rip offs of Star Wars.
I haven't seen either of them but as I understand they are bland rip offs of Star Wars.
That's not even half of the story. It is literally as bad as if you told a generative AI to make a 3 part scifi movie.
I was joking the other day saying it might be a giant troll and Snyder will reveal at the end that it is actually AI generated.

Even if not he still might be trolling trying to see how far they let him go, because I don't believe someone could've unironically thought this was good. I can believe Ruin Johnson believed The Last Jedi was his magnum opus, or that Jar-Jar thought he did good with Rise of Skywalker based on what he had to work with. But I refuse to believe Snyder thinks this is actually good.
Here's a new concept, stop watching it thinking it's a Star Wars rip off and watch it with no preconception. It plays out more like a sci-fi D&D campaign.

Not saying it's the best show ever, but it's better than the nothing else there is to watch right now.
Even though I had already read the reviews stating how these are rip-offs of one thing or another I did go in with an open mind because let's face it, for those of us who've been watching Sci-Fi/Fantasy stuff for the last 50 years it's next to impossible to not recognize inspiration or when something has been derived from another source. Tbh, I remember reading reviews as a kid when Star Wars went through the same thing back when it was released with some calling it a hack Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers rip-off and Lucas had already cited them as influences along with Kurosawa.

All that being said I never made it more than halfway through the first one and it's unlikely I'll watch anymore. However, I have watched a lot of Snyder's films, all the Snyder-verse stuff, The Watchmen (I own the complete extended version but I hold Watchmen to a different standard since it at least tries to literally recreate the graphic novel which is rare for adaptations), and Sucker Punch.

I read somewhere where it was suggested the biggest problem is that he shouldn't be given complete control and free reign and I agree. Editing things down a bit would help a lot. I don't have a problem with his ideas but do get numb from so many being overextended. I also think that rather than making these as movies they might have done better in a 30-40 minute episodic format. I also agree that he uses slow-motion scenes way too much, kind of like Abrahms with lens flares. On the flipside, a fan edit bringing these both down to a 2 hour-ish movie might be interesting as well but it would really need to chop a lot of those slow-mo shots out.
Here's a new concept, stop watching it thinking it's a Star Wars rip off and watch it with no preconception. It plays out more like a sci-fi D&D campaign.

Not saying it's the best show ever, but it's better than the nothing else there is to watch right now.
I don't think anyone is thinking it is Star Wars, it rips off many things from many places. But that's also not an issue in of itself. Originality is overrated. Just because something has been done before doesn't mean it can't be done ever again.

The problem that rebel moon is bad by every conceivable metric. If someone told me they give me a million $ if I find something praiseworthy in it, I still could not do it.
If someone told me they give me a million $ if I find something praiseworthy in it, I still could not do it.
Pretty sure I'd at least go halfway to collect the check and say something like, "hey that is some nice scenery over there"
tar Wars went through the same thing back when it was released with some calling it a hack Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers rip-off and Lucas had already cited them as influences along with Kurosawa.
I mainly read it was somewhat based on King Arthur legend
I mainly read it was somewhat based on King Arthur legend
I never saw that but get it and totally believe Lucas said it as well. He didn't really hide anything in regard to what his influences were.
I mean to say it's like a D&D movie is SPOT on. The first whole movie was assembling the party and testing them against the minions of the big bad. Now the group of intrepid adventurers must save the kingdom I mean galaxy...

Yea.. really it's just as good as that D&D movie with the Wayans brothers.
That's not even half of the story. It is literally as bad as if you told a generative AI to make a 3 part scifi movie.
I was joking the other day saying it might be a giant troll and Snyder will reveal at the end that it is actually AI generated.

Even if not he still might be trolling trying to see how far they let him go, because I don't believe someone could've unironically thought this was good. I can believe Ruin Johnson believed The Last Jedi was his magnum opus, or that Jar-Jar thought he did good with Rise of Skywalker based on what he had to work with. But I refuse to believe Snyder thinks this is actually good.
Ryan Johnson is a pretentious dickhead who thinks he's brilliant and is obviously full of himself. One interview he did was especially telling in that it leaves no doubt he was a bad pick to helm a Star Wars themed project, especially one that was the middle of a trilogy he otherwise had nothing to do with.

Another aspect of the whole mess is that there wasn't a clear plan and they made **** up as they went along. On the plus side, they threw out George's script treatments. Leaks about what those contained were arguably worse, though at least it would have formed a coherent trilogy rather than something that came from a drunken D&D DM who made the entire thing up on the fly.
Even though I had already read the reviews stating how these are rip-offs of one thing or another I did go in with an open mind because let's face it, for those of us who've been watching Sci-Fi/Fantasy stuff for the last 50 years it's next to impossible to not recognize inspiration or when something has been derived from another source. Tbh, I remember reading reviews as a kid when Star Wars went through the same thing back when it was released with some calling it a hack Flash Gordon/Buck Rogers rip-off and Lucas had already cited them as influences along with Kurosawa.
The thing is, Star Wars takes inspiration from a ton of different sources. Some more well known and many of them are really obscure. Combined they form something unique. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. JJ Abrams on the other hand has the gall to rip off his own derivative and ****ty work along side ripping off earlier Star Wars films. That is in part, why the JJ Abrams movies Star Wars films are such a **** sandwich.
All that being said I never made it more than halfway through the first one and it's unlikely I'll watch anymore. However, I have watched a lot of Snyder's films, all the Snyder-verse stuff, The Watchmen (I own the complete extended version but I hold Watchmen to a different standard since it at least tries to literally recreate the graphic novel which is rare for adaptations), and Sucker Punch.

I read somewhere where it was suggested the biggest problem is that he shouldn't be given complete control and free reign and I agree. Editing things down a bit would help a lot. I don't have a problem with his ideas but do get numb from so many being overextended. I also think that rather than making these as movies they might have done better in a 30-40 minute episodic format. I also agree that he uses slow-motion scenes way too much, kind of like Abrahms with lens flares. On the flipside, a fan edit bringing these both down to a 2 hour-ish movie might be interesting as well but it would really need to chop a lot of those slow-mo shots out.
There are a lot of writers like that. I'd argue Ronald D. More and Brannon Braga are exactly the same. Robert Orci is another one. On their own, they fall prey to their own worst tendencies. With someone to reign them in, they can all do good work. I think Zack Snyder is precisely the same. He needs someone to make sure anything he does has some brevity as he's long winded for lack of a better term.

At the end of the day I think he's another self-indulgent, pretentious prick who thinks he's an artist or something. Without proper mandates from studios and proper oversight he's his own worst enemy.
Fallout has entered the chat. Also while not sci-fi, Reacher is pretty good too (S1 > S2)
I would agree Season 1 is better than Season 2. Even so, I enjoyed both seasons. I am not a fan of the Fallout franchise so I'm going to pass on that one.
Fallout and Reacher are good.

But I like almost everything. Almost.....f*** ST Discovery.
I think people forgot what is a good movie / series. If you are not supposed to think about it, and have to "turn off your brain" to "enjoy" it, then it is not good.

Good media is literally the opposite of that, it makes you think and wonder. You can't get it out of your head. And just because something is an action movie doesn't mean it no longer needs to make sense, or have in universe consistency.
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