Ryzen 7 2700X vs Ryzen 7 3700X Performance Comparison


Staff member
Apr 23, 2019


Today we are going to directly compare and review performance between the AMD Ryzen 7 2700X CPU and AMD Ryzen 7 3700X CPU.  Tested on the same motherboard, with the same memory, and the same configuration with the only difference being the CPU, we will see how the Ryzen Processors compare in 2020.  With the next-generation Zen 3 processors on the horizon, this is a good time to see what kind of upgrade the 3700X has over the 2700X on an X570 chipset since prices are at extremely competitive numbers right now on new CPUs.

It has been a year since the Ryzen 7 3700X has been launched, and it’s been over two years since the Ryzen 7 2700X was launched.  It’s important to...

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Interesting analysis, great seeing an actual tangible progression from AMD. We knew this but this is much better data points since now both CPUs are mature with software and hardware, great stuff. I can see you doing this again hopefully next year with the 4070x or whatever the 8core/16 thread part is from AMD.

I was surprised you were able to get 3600mhz out of the 2700x, my 2700 gets 3466mhz out of the B450 MSI board but nothing close to 3600mhz with Samsung B Die modules. X570 memory tracing that much better is my guess.

The 3700x is really an outstanding deal for the $, then again with Zen 3 coming not too long from now one can only wonder what that can bring. May have to do the full progression model, Zen 1, Zen+, Zen2 and Zen3. Compared to Intel, I can't even remember all the lakes now which all tend to blend together with virtually the same performance overall.
That is why we really wanted to use the X570 chipset for the review, it's a unique perspective and gives the 2700X the best chance possible.
Very interesting! I’m sitting on a X470 chipset and am planning on upgrading just the CPU with zen 3 - straight jump to the 4950X (or whatever they call 16 core 32 thread part). I didn’t think chipset would really hold me back at all, but maybe I need to reconsider. Wonder how they 3700X would do on x470
I didn’t think chipset would really hold me back at all, but maybe I need to reconsider. Wonder how they 3700X would do on x470

Per AMD, there are no performance differences between the various chipsets that are out there. The differences are related to feature set and number/type of pci-e lanes.
Per AMD, there are no performance differences between the various chipsets that are out there. The differences are related to feature set and number/type of pci-e lanes.

Other than having a better VRM design or more BIOS options, the X470 would perform the same here.
Where are the Hunt:Showdown Comparisons?!!!!! :cry: :p

Another great write up. I'm glad I upgraded to the 3700x from my 2700x. Aside from the performance increase ..one of the biggest gains/advantages I got from the upgrade was memory compatibility. From only being able to run 4 x 8gb 3200mhz sticks at 2933mhz with the 2700x to running the same memory at it rated speed using XMP profile.
I experienced that across the board going from 2000 series to 3000 series .. 1 2200g couldn't run 2 x 16gb 3000mhz stable (2866mhz stable) switching to 3600x same memory can run 3200mhz .. another 2200g couldn't run stable at all with 4 sticks installed, switching to 3400g, can now run same 4 sticks at rated 3200mhz (XMP profile) ..

I now run 2 x 16gb 3200mhz stuff on my x570 Steel Legend at 3800mhz (Hynix chips CAS18 1.41v)with fclk on my 3700x at 1900(1:1) with just PBO enabled and no other voltage increases with the CPU.

Thanks for putting this up! :cool:
Other than having a better VRM design or more BIOS options, the X470 would perform the same here.
So the 2700X should be able to hit 3600 on the memory on a X470 board too? Not that I’m going to rebuy my 32gb of 3200, but I’m curious if I should have gone with faster ram.
So the 2700X should be able to hit 3600 on the memory on a X470 board too? Not that I’m going to rebuy my 32gb of 3200, but I’m curious if I should have gone with faster ram.

When I say that performance is the same between the chipsets, I mean given all things being equal. The Ryzen 7 2700X is incapable of achieving higher memory speeds on the X470 chipset. I don't know that it would do so on an X570 board either. I haven't tested that.
I just made this upgrade a week ago. With the prices dropping so low, I was thinking this should keep me going a bit longer without going to a new MB. It is a smooth running CPU. I have been playing Modern Warfare multiplayer lately and it does seem a bit smoother overall. Is it just my imagination? Hard to say, but it sure feels like it. I am running a 1080ti with a 27in 1440p g-sync monitor.
Thanks for the comparison review. I always find these reviews extremely interesting but don't see them often.

This should give you some really nice baseline info when the 4xxx series processors release to see how they all compare against each other. I look forward to seeing all of it together when that comes to pass.
Very timely comparison, because I have been wondering if I should have dropped a Zen 2 CPU into my dev box to replace the 2700X. Your testing justified my inaction, particularly given that the money tree has flowered only weakly this year! Keep up the good work.
I need only motherboard and memories (16GB)
Quite honestly, you're probably better off getting a 5600x and the cheapest b550 board and 16gb-3200 speed memory you can find than you are buying a nice board and memory and trying to overclock a 2700x. Sell the 2700x to make the budget work (and if you can swing it do the 5800x)

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Not surprising. The users here are primarily US based and you posted in the middle of the night here.
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