“Many” Studios Are Asking Microsoft to Drop Mandatory Xbox Series S Compatibility, Developer Claims

It's too bad the best aspects of consoles and PCs can't be extracted and merged into one.
Pretty sure that's somewhat what Valve had hoped to do and failed miserably in their approach with. I do feel that with each gen consoles are getting closer though. I'd say that the moment that Sony and MS agreed to use custom AMD chips there was, to some degree, a homogenization effect that edged them both closer to PC. It still saddens me though because I really liked what Sony had going on with the PS2 and PS3. I know it was a nightmare for developers, and parents whose kids wanted all, but I miss the days when we had 3-4 different consoles and each was majorly different from the other. That PS2/3, N64/Gamecube, Xbox, Dreamcast, era was something else.
I will say Valve is a heck of a lot closer to it with Steam than Microsoft with their PC/Xbox cross-integration.
Yeah, the Steam Deck turned out to be the hail Mary pass that won the game. I was reading an interview with a Valve manager a few weeks back, that while didn't express it in those words, did acknowledge the company had to regroup after Steam machines failed and they were not even sure how successful the Steam deck would be but thought it seemed worth a shot and then, history made.
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