Disney+ Is Getting a Firefly Reboot


Staff member
May 28, 2019
Image: 20th Century Fox Television

A plethora of shows were unveiled at Disney’s Investor Day last week, but in a surprising twist, something big was left out among all the new Marvel and Star Wars projects. Giant Freakin’ Robot is reporting that Disney is rebooting Joss Whedon’s 2002 sci-fi television series, Firefly, for its streaming service.

Disney actually acquired rights to the show after the Disney/Fox merger in 2019. At the time, most were more concerned about what would happen...

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I... don't know how I feel about this. Honestly they should keep it in universe and have the 2 by 2 hands of blue group be told as the heroes going after the evil terrorist Mal and his vicious crew. ;)

But seriously a reboot... I just... don't want a reboot right now. Not sure my brain can handle what I have such great memories of being tarnished like that.
I loved the show .. the movie .. but a "reboot" .. hmmm. Why not a continuation?

Well, they did kill off Wash in the movie (and maybe one other? it's been a while) and the actor that played Book is no longer with us... so... have to explain a resurrection and recasting which might make the reboot a bit easier.

Though, I'm not sure it would be the same if it was bumped down to the family friendly "PG" level as appears to be rumored....
I do not trust Disney with this. I would not trust Joss Whedon in 2020 with this.
Well, they did kill off Wash in the movie (and maybe one other? it's been a while) and the actor that played Book is no longer with us... so... have to explain a resurrection and recasting which might make the reboot a bit easier.
Yeah... the more I think about it, the more I think that nearly any attempt to come back to Firefly will just be a letdown. Let it continue to be the one-season legend that it was, and we can all lament it was never any more than that... but I think too much time has passed and too many things have changed to ever bring that magic back and be able to do the original justice.
I'm interested to see what becomes of this, I loved the series and film. I'm partway through watching them again.
I know several people who were huge fans of the original.

I always intended to watch it, but never got around to it.

Is it worth revisiting in 2020?

Appreciate the input.

Some shows age better than others. While 2002 feels like - what - 6 weeks ago, it's getting pretty close to 20 years :p

The original HD home release of Firefly was actually on HD-DVD :ROFLMAO:

Sometimes people watch old stuff for nostalgic reasons, and enjoy it, but to new viewers the content doesn't hold up. I'm glad your assessment is that this wouldn't be the case for Firefly.

But what do I know. During the pandemic I rewatched the entire run of the original 1980's MacGyver. :ROFLMAO:
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Appreciate the input.

Some shows age better than others. While 2002 feels like - what - 6 weeks ago, it's betting pretty close to 20 years :p

The original HD home release of Firefly was actually on HD-DVD :ROFLMAO:

Sometimes people watch old stuff for nostalgic reasons, and enjoy it, but to new viewers the content doesn't hold up. I'm glad your assessment is that this wouldn't be the case for Firefly.

But what do I know. During the pandemic I rewatched the entire run of the original 1980's MacGyver. :ROFLMAO:
The setting sets it up to age better than a lot of shows. It was never "current".
Appreciate the input.

Some shows age better than others. While 2002 feels like - what - 6 weeks ago, it's betting pretty close to 20 years :p

The original HD home release of Firefly was actually on HD-DVD :ROFLMAO:

Sometimes people watch old stuff for nostalgic reasons, and enjoy it, but to new viewers the content doesn't hold up. I'm glad your assessment is that this wouldn't be the case for Firefly.

But what do I know. During the pandemic I rewatched the entire run of the original 1980's MacGyver. :ROFLMAO:

Check out manimal then. Wow that was a burning garbage can of a show.
I liked Manimal. It was almost as good as Automan.

Quality TV. Disney could only hope to be as classy these days.
Well there go the Mandalorian/FireFly memes.

Oh man.. wash would be the cookie natural force user that never did get jedi training. River would be the actual trained force user that has a dark side force user also trapped in her mind because of force reasons. Mal not a force user but you're scruffy pirate type. Simon the empire defectee that's convinced that his sister river needs to hide. The preacher is the full Jedi but in hiding trying to guide everyone.... Jane is the wookie. Inara is a noble and in love with the scruffy pirate but neither can admit it. And our lovely mechanic is actually a genius and has to deal with a dreadnought class engine in their scruffy transport ship.
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