Gabe Newell Says He Was Attacked by a Shark Recently, But He Wasn’t Really Scared: “I’m Kind of a Weird Person”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Valve has released a new documentary to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Half-Life 2, and with it comes the news that Gabe Newell, president and co-founder of Valve, was attacked by a shark while diving in South African recently.

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Dude as a 50 year old man recently down 100 lbs... it's NOT just ozympic of Monjouro that does it. Trust me. Shots, plus bad diet still (but no sodas.) and walking 3.5-5 miles 4 times a week does it for me.
"Gabe Newell Says He Was Attacked by a Shark Recently, But He Wasn’t Really Scared. . ."

Yep Epic and Ubi on one side, Gamepass and PSN on the other, no worries :)
Even sharks know what a bad diet tastes like and avoid it. Gabe has nothing to worry about.
Dude as a 50 year old man recently down 100 lbs... it's NOT just ozympic of Monjouro that does it. Trust me. Shots, plus bad diet still (but no sodas.) and walking 3.5-5 miles 4 times a week does it for me.

I got kind of up there in my marriage to my ex-wife, but when we split up I found I had more time on my hands and could make time for working out at the gym, taking walks and eating right. I lost like 85lb in 2011-2012 as a result. At 6'3" I went from like 280lb down to ~195, was benching 200lb, and had a resting pulse of an olympic athlete.

Then I got all romantically involved again, and slowly gained back most of it, decided to focus on my health again, and lost like 50lb last year, got distracted, gained most of that back and now I am teetering on the edge of making extra effort to get in shape again.

I find that only two things work for me.

1.) Being single. So easy to make time for absolutely anything when you are single.

2.) Short stints (~6 month max) of sustained focus, but then I inevitably fall off the wagon afterwards.

It's just so draining to maintain focus on a healthy lifestyle when in a relationship and doing all the other busy work domestic life entails.
It took me basically 3 decades to figure out I need to stick to an eating schedule, regardless of if I'm in a relationship. We dated for about 10 years and have been married now coming on 15, but it wasn't until this summer that I finally said screw it and decided I'd no longer wait to eat dinner late in the evening after we were both at home from our jobs. I mostly keep farmer's hours and around May-June started having my dinner in the late afternoon and cut off almost all eating after that. Since then literally about 1-2 lbs a week have been coming off. Still in a happy marriage but I told I had to do that and now she's amazed. The bulk I've lost has actually been since then to now.
Here's the deal. They have the resources to make another engine that's far and above what they have today. It will cost MILLIONS of dollars to start over and do it in pure 64 bit, and make it run on modern CPU's with their multiple CCD's and Big little CPU's and P and E cores and all of it. To properly use ram as a cache location for GPU textures and to take advantage of ALL that is on offer with modern hardware.

And by the time it comes out they could iterate it again.

But they are no longer a Game engine company they are a game sales platform company. MUCH less technologically demanding.
Here's the deal. They have the resources to make another engine that's far and above what they have today. It will cost MILLIONS of dollars to start over and do it in pure 64 bit, and make it run on modern CPU's with their multiple CCD's and Big little CPU's and P and E cores and all of it. To properly use ram as a cache location for GPU textures and to take advantage of ALL that is on offer with modern hardware.

And by the time it comes out they could iterate it again.

But they are no longer a Game engine company they are a game sales platform company. MUCH less technologically demanding.

I always figured they would just contract it out to a game house that would develop it in Unreal engine.
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