Seagate Introduces Star Wars Beskar Ingot Drives, SSDs and HDDs Inspired by Mandalorian Iron


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Image: Seagate

Seagate and Lucasfilm have entered into a collaboration to take gaming to the next level with a new lineup of Star Wars-inspired PC gaming storage devices. The first of these are the Beskar Ingot Drives, SSDs and HDDs that resemble an ingot of Mandalorian iron with an Imperial stamp prominently featured on the surface. Seagate’s Beskar Ingot PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD will be available in 500 GB ($159.99) and 1 TB ($259.99), the SATA SSD will be available in 1 TB ($159.99) and 2 TB ($269.99), and the external HDD will be available in 2 TB ($99.99).

From Seagate:

Seagate’s fastest M.2 2280 SSD, the PCIe Gen4 NVMe SSD features speeds up to nine times faster than SATA-based SSDs, delivering sequential read/write performance up to 7000/6850MB/s. It is also built with a sleek heatsink design for premium installation flexibility and peak performance. Designed with a...

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I really don't think that's real Beskar. And if it is, that's stolen property, and the seal marks it as such. Seagate should be ashamed of doing business with Empire remnants. That's just one reason why I don't buy their sh1t.
I liked it better before computer parts were marketed exclusively towards manchildren.
Really wish it wasn't Seagate. I've been wanting to build a Star Wars themed computer for a while now and this would have been a good fit for such a build. Too bad I avoid Seagate like a fat kid avoids a salad.
I liked it better before computer parts were marketed exclusively towards manchildren.
Going to have to disagree with you regarding this product here. These honestly look pretty **** cool aesthetically speaking.

I will say in other product areas I do agree with you!
Going to have to disagree with you regarding this product here. These honestly look pretty **** cool aesthetically speaking.

I will say in other product areas I do agree with you!

I think it's every level of society these days. There has been a massive move towards adolescence in adults (and especially among men) across society.

50 years ago adults didn't bother with this type of nonsense. They had serious things to take care of.

You didn't see grown *** men wasting their time with dirt bikes, or painting their faces for sports games, or even wearing team jerseys or baseball caps. Those things were for children.

Even as recently as the 80's and early 90's, video games were really only for children. Some adults played them, but they certainly didn't brag about it. They kept it on the DL. We certainly didn't have 20 or even 30-somethings trying to be "professional video game players"...

Men used to have an office where they kept their books and important documents and worked. Now dudes have "man caves" with RGB lighting and star wars memorabilia. You see grown *** men proudly displaying their action figure collections on shelves in their "man caves".

Computers have gone from serious professional looking tools to looking like something from Close Encounters of the Third kind.

People are even refusing to wear adult clothing to work, women wanting to wear yoga pants, and men showing up in dirty jeans and band tshirts.

It's just mind mindbogglingly lame, and IMHO and indication of a society that has lost all sense of what is important and just wants to play like children all day long.

To see a grown *** adult to want "beskar" or any other star wars memorabilia either in their computer or anywhere else just makes me want to roll my eyes.

Toys and playing should be primarily for children. Video games as an artform sure have evolved and I don't think there is any shame in enjoying them as an adult anymore, as long as it doesn't take over your life. Good as a momentary distraction/recreation, pathetic if it becomes all you are about. An adult should be no more a "gamer" than they are a"movier" for watching the occasional film.

Don't get me wrong. The Mad Men era had plenty of problems with poorly behaved men, sexual harassment, misogyny, racism, smoking everywhere indoors, drinking on the job, among other things, but at least adults behaved and dressed like adults, not like children, and didn't play with toys.

I'm late Gen-X / Early Millennial (depending on who you ask) but if feeling this way makes me a Boomer, so be it. I'd much rather be associated with Boomers than this modern bullshit.

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In the world of anime products and cartoon crap. I think a Beskar looking external or internal hard-drive is kinda neat. I'd go with the external otherwise why but you get the idea. It's subtle and functional and recognizable enough where others that enjoy that series may recognize it and everyone else will either ignore it or think it's a neat design. It doesn't look childish.

I'm more in line with you. My case is not blingdd out. I have some collectors items and gifts on a shelf behind my desk in my home office. I also don't use a camera on work calls even if it's an option.
I think it's every level of society these days. There has been a massive move towards adolescence in adults (and especially among men) across society.

50 years ago adults didn't bother with this type of nonsense. They had serious things to take care of.

You didn't see grown *** men wasting their time with dirt bikes, or painting their faces for sports games, or even wearing team jerseys or baseball caps. Those things were for children.
You, ah, may want to google when the Raider's black hole started. A little hint, it didn't start this century.


Heck, a little google searching shows pictures of people dressing up with Indian gear for Chief's and Redskins's games in the 70s...
Don't get me wrong. The Mad Men era had plenty of problems with poorly behaved men, sexual harassment, misogyny, racism, smoking everywhere indoors, drinking on the job, among other things, but at least adults behaved and dressed like adults, not like children, and didn't play with toys.
just to be clear, sexual harrassment, misogyny, racism, cancer from smoking, and alcoholism are all better things then adults wearing jeans and enjoying toys. ?
just to be clear, sexual harrassment, misogyny, racism, cancer from smoking, and alcoholism are all better things then adults wearing jeans and enjoying toys. ?
You could classify that Caddy he bought as a big toy...
just to be clear, sexual harrassment, misogyny, racism, cancer from smoking, and alcoholism are all better things then adults wearing jeans and enjoying toys. ?
There is no need to throw out the baby with the bathwater.

History has always been awful, and there is no end to the things that shouldn't come back. Some things should though.
I think it's every level of society these days. There has been a massive move towards adolescence in adults (and especially among men) across society.

50 years ago adults didn't bother with this type of nonsense. They had serious things to take care of.

OK, Boomer.

On the other hand, Millennials and Gen Z have been shafted so hard with impossible to afford homes, crushing student debt to be paid off with wages that have stagnated for decades to the point to where the "grow up, work yourself to death, retire for 7 months before that heart attack catches up to you" tradition of 'being a man' starts to look a bit like a waste of a life.

So yeah, people have realised how ****ing hopeless it all is and want to enjoy what they can for a bit longer... cause the alternative is really quite ****.
OK, Boomer.

On the other hand, Millennials and Gen Z have been shafted so hard with impossible to afford homes, crushing student debt to be paid off with wages that have stagnated for decades to the point to where the "grow up, work yourself to death, retire for 7 months before that heart attack catches up to you" tradition of 'being a man' starts to look a bit like a waste of a life.

So yeah, people have realised how ****ing hopeless it all is and want to enjoy what they can for a bit longer... cause the alternative is really quite ****.
Check some of his other complaints. People want to wear t-shirts and jeans to work. How 2010 is that? Why on earth would I even want to drive into an office, to sit in a cube and talk to people on conference calls…. when I can walk down to my basement office, and connect to zoom? It’s not like I can sit face to face with anyone anyway, given 1/3 the team is in India, 1/3 the team is in Prague, management is in California, and the senior developers are in Boston.
Why on earth would I even want to drive into an office, to sit in a cube and talk to people on conference calls…. when I can walk down to my basement office, and connect to zoom?

The work culture that came before inspired and enabled the work culture that followed. The one might not exist without the other. So ... you're welcome.
Check some of his other complaints. People want to wear t-shirts and jeans to work. How 2010 is that? Why on earth would I even want to drive into an office, to sit in a cube and talk to people on conference calls…. when I can walk down to my basement office, and connect to zoom? It’s not like I can sit face to face with anyone anyway, given 1/3 the team is in India, 1/3 the team is in Prague, management is in California, and the senior developers are in Boston.

I have no problems with remote work. I think it is great.

Heck, I've been working 100% from home since March 2020.

When I am home, I work in whatever I happen to be wearing, and never use a camera in meetings. We just go over documents and drawings on screen shares.

When I do go in to the office - however - I think it's appropriate to at least dress with a modicum of respect for my surroundings. Usually dress pants and a button down shirt in the colder months, and khakis and a polo in the warmer months, but it depends on the occasion.

I keep a spare jacket in a closet at work, just in case FDA walks in unanounced and I have to spend the day in the front room in an audit. (just hope it doesn't happen on a polo shirt day :p
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