Going to have to disagree with you regarding this product here. These honestly look pretty **** cool aesthetically speaking.
I will say in other product areas I do agree with you!
I think it's every level of society these days. There has been a massive move towards adolescence in adults (and especially among men) across society.
50 years ago adults didn't bother with this type of nonsense. They had serious things to take care of.
You didn't see grown *** men wasting their time with dirt bikes, or painting their faces for sports games, or even wearing team jerseys or baseball caps. Those things were for children.
Even as recently as the 80's and early 90's, video games were really only for children. Some adults played them, but they certainly didn't brag about it. They kept it on the DL. We certainly didn't have 20 or even 30-somethings trying to be "professional video game players"...
Men used to have an office where they kept their books and important documents and worked. Now dudes have "man caves" with RGB lighting and star wars memorabilia. You see grown *** men proudly displaying their action figure collections on shelves in their "man caves".
Computers have gone from serious professional looking tools to looking like something from Close Encounters of the Third kind.
People are even refusing to wear adult clothing to work, women wanting to wear yoga pants, and men showing up in dirty jeans and band tshirts.
It's just mind mindbogglingly lame, and IMHO and indication of a society that has lost all sense of what is important and just wants to play like children all day long.
To see a grown *** adult to want "beskar" or any other star wars memorabilia either in their computer or anywhere else just makes me want to roll my eyes.
Toys and playing should be primarily for children. Video games as an artform sure have evolved and I don't think there is any shame in enjoying them as an adult anymore, as long as it doesn't take over your life. Good as a momentary distraction/recreation, pathetic if it becomes all you are about. An adult should be no more a "gamer" than they are a"movier" for watching the occasional film.
Don't get me wrong. The Mad Men era had plenty of problems with poorly behaved men, sexual harassment, misogyny, racism, smoking everywhere indoors, drinking on the job, among other things, but at least adults behaved and dressed like adults, not like children, and didn't play with toys.
I'm late Gen-X / Early Millennial (depending on who you ask) but if feeling this way makes me a Boomer, so be it. I'd much rather be associated with Boomers than this modern bullshit.