Todd Howard on Potential Starfield and Elder Scrolls Shows: “I’ll Probably Say No”


The FPS Review
Staff member
May 6, 2019
Fallout may the only Bethesda property that receives the live-action treatment, according to new statements that Todd Howard, the celebrated game designer, director, and producer behind some of today's most popular RPGs, gave during a recent interview to the gaming press.

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I think producers will be the ones saying no when the fallout show falls on its face.
You'd be silly to think they'd stop after the first failed attempt, or the 20th failed attempt. Where you been the last 20 years?
I've been here and giant flops usually doesn't get a second chance. I know skyrim is not fallout, but it's bethesda which makes it basically the same.
I love how your take on the show is your own self fulfilling prophecy. LOL.
It's not a prophecy since I've written it after seeing the first episode. So far I see mixed reactions. First impressions are rarely where the needle will settle anyway, many people will realize that it is worse than they first thought.

Amazons likes to spin fails as wins, but their actions will speak louder than their words. If we see budget cuts for season2, or changes in filming locations that's more indicative of a failing show than anything they report.
I'm just saying it's awful easy to say numbers don't match because it's new. Numbers are 'falsely' high.

Lets see in six months of people are wanting more I suppose.

I will agree I wanted the wheel of time to be great but when they wrapped up the whole 13 book freaking story arc in the first season. I had a feeling things would be bad. (broad strokes wise not individual scenes.) I can go into detail if folks don't care about spoilers.
I've been here and giant flops usually doesn't get a second chance. I know skyrim is not fallout, but it's bethesda which makes it basically the same.

Yeah, look at all the "video game" big screen spin off over the years that never hit big or was a success, yet they still kept making them. Now that Sonic is doing pretty good on the big screen, Mario crushing the big screen and the shows that have been doing pretty good recently, the last of us, the witcher (kinda), Halo... they'll give their IPs a chance to do the same. You just watch. Regardless if Fallout fails or not.

If anything, Fallout is probably a test run for them to see how to do it. If it fails, they'll still learn something. If it succeeds, then they'll just repeat it with other IPs.
I don't know if Skyrim would be a good movie in and of itself, but more broadly The Elder Scrolls depicting the confluence and history of each of the race-origin lands interspersed with requisite Daedric meddling ... that might be a show. But it would need a compelling, all-encompassing, and great story behind it. So ... not anything Bethesda would be capable of successfully creating by themselves.
I don't know if Skyrim would be a good movie in and of itself, but more broadly The Elder Scrolls depicting the confluence and history of each of the race-origin lands interspersed with requisite Daedric meddling ... that might be a show. But it would need a compelling, all-encompassing, and great story behind it. So ... not anything Bethesda would be capable of successfully creating by themselves.

Yes you are right. I mean The Elder Scrolls. I just got a bad habit of referring to only Skyrim as that's the only Elder Scrolls game I've played so I refer to it all as Skyrim for some dumb reason.

There is so much content, so many different stories they can make up around the races, origins, factions, strong holds, you name it. They have it all in the vast world of The Elder Scrolls.
Now that Sonic is doing pretty good on the big screen
I still don't know how. Absolute garbage, both of those movies. The 3rd movie and the Knuckles show will be no different.

Mario crushing the big screen
While the CG SMB movie was the least offensive video-game-based movie I have ever seen, it still didn't need to be made, and I have no idea why it is doing so well. It was barely okay.
I still don't know how. Absolute garbage, both of those movies. The 3rd movie and the Knuckles show will be no different.

While the CG SMB movie was the least offensive video-game-based movie I have ever seen, it still didn't need to be made, and I have no idea why it is doing so well. It was barely okay.

Two words. Kids movies. Parents could go and stomach the content that the kids fell in love with.
I still don't know how. Absolute garbage, both of those movies. The 3rd movie and the Knuckles show will be no different.

While the CG SMB movie was the least offensive video-game-based movie I have ever seen, it still didn't need to be made, and I have no idea why it is doing so well. It was barely okay.

I liked all of those movies. The Sonic movie was good to me. The Mario movie was awesome.

Then again I also grew up playing Sonic and Mario so seeing them on the big screen in that way was awesome. The previous Mario Brothers movie from way, way back in the day sucked.
If anything, Fallout is probably a test run for them to see how to do it. If it fails, they'll still learn something. If it succeeds, then they'll just repeat it with other IPs.
If recent history has thought me anything is that their pride refuses to let them learn from mistakes. They'd rather double down on them or blame the audience, likely both.
Then again I also grew up playing Sonic and Mario so seeing them on the big screen in that way was awesome.
So did I (and I still play some of those games a lot, like SMB3, SMW, and the Genesis and GBA Sonic games), which is why it was so painful for me to see what they did to Sonic & co. in the movies (not that Sega hasn't been doing worse to him since the 6th-gen days). Mario eh, I'm just glad it didn't turn out worse.

The previous Mario Brothers movie from way, way back in the day sucked.
But like the Street Fighter movie, it's a great movie to laugh at.
So I'm 2 episodes into Fallout and kind of enjoying it. I'm sort of in the middle of the road with it but don't hate it either. We'll see how I feel after I watch a bit more. I really like how they've kept the campy 50s themes going and the overall look, but also the graphic violence as well.

As far as Elder Scrolls or Starfield goes, well I wouldn't really be interested in either and have strong doubts about either getting a budget or quality writing to do them justice. I think ES would end up being like another LOTR clone and Starfield like SW/ST. If each managed to establish their own identity with a budget to support them I would feel more confident but right now, not so much. Although, as with a ton of things, I'd love to be proven wrong on both accounts here.
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