Zack Snyder’s Four-Hour Cut of Justice League Hits HBO Max on March 18

I disagree. I have seen my share of movies that I wish were longer because they were not able to resolve the story very well in the time they had. The extended versions of the LOTR movies are around 4 hours long and I feel they still are not long enough.

Movie length is more about getting the most people in the theater to generate more money per viewing than it is about keeping people from getting bored. We need to evolve past the idea of needing a movie to fit within a 100-120 minute limit. That limit is stifling to a creator's vision.

If a comic book movie is four hours long, it has too much going on in it. This was a huge problem with the original version of Justice League as it had way too many plot threads and not enough time to deal with them. Many of them were unnecessary. One of the large problems with the film is that DC went for an Avenger's type team up without doing the leg work to lead up to one. It's also a hallmark of the DCEU movies. They all have way too much going on. The movies are more ambitious than they have any right to be.

I would agree that the movie needed to be longer to work with the plot lines in the original film. However, my counter argument is that it was too complex and didn't need all of those plot lines in the first place. Watch the DCAU "Justice League" pilot episode. It manages to bring all the heroes together without wasting time and having plot threads that don't go anywhere.
I may watch it. When I find the time at work.

I'm certainly going to watch it. I've got HBO Max and I'm curious as to whether or not the changes make the movie good. I don't want to watch it while working simply because I won't get to pay attention to it.
At that point why not just make it into a mini series? 4 episodes. Who wants to watch 4 hours in one sitting?
That was the initial idea AFAIK, don't know why they changed it.
I'm certainly going to watch it. I've got HBO Max and I'm curious as to whether or not the changes make the movie good. I don't want to watch it while working simply because I won't get to pay attention to it.
You mean pay attention to work, right? :LOL: :p ;)
I don't think length in and of itself is any qualifier of anything.

I've seen good movies that I wish had more. I've seen bad movies that couldn't be over fast enough.

That said, I do appreciate some natural breakpoints - maybe not necessarily Part 1 / Part 2 splits, but something where it makes it natural to hit pause -- nothing worse than a 2 hours car chase or fight scene that just never gives you a break.
If a comic book movie is four hours long, it has too much going on in it. This was a huge problem with the original version of Justice League as it had way too many plot threads and not enough time to deal with them. Many of them were unnecessary. One of the large problems with the film is that DC went for an Avenger's type team up without doing the leg work to lead up to one. It's also a hallmark of the DCEU movies. They all have way too much going on. The movies are more ambitious than they have any right to be.

I would agree that the movie needed to be longer to work with the plot lines in the original film. However, my counter argument is that it was too complex and didn't need all of those plot lines in the first place. Watch the DCAU "Justice League" pilot episode. It manages to bring all the heroes together without wasting time and having plot threads that don't go anywhere.
I agree with the DCEU strategy failing. They didn't want to invest 10 years into it like Disney when ironically I'd imagine they would be faring much better now if they did.
Watch the DCAU "Justice League" pilot episode
Bruce Timm and his team were master story tellers. I've felt that DC should've tried to get him in a similar position as Kevin Feige for their live action films. Sure the formats, and needs, are different but I really think he could've helped contribute to a more solid DCU instead of what happened. Maybe as an exec producer or something.

Oh well, I'm somewhat excited to see this. That teaser trailer had a lot of new scenes. I agree though, 4 hours is normally way too much but in this case it'll be the exception and we can all pause and take breaks thanks to streaming.
I agree with the DCEU strategy failing. They didn't want to invest 10 years into it like Disney when ironically I'd imagine they would be faring much better now if they did.
Yep, and as it stands now it's more like a bizarre else-worlds realm. At least CW has managed to create their alternate earths/inifity story lines, which can be confusing, but those still manage to have some consistency, even across all the series.
What difference does it make? A lot of people would simply binge all four episodes in one shot anyway. I probably would.
It makes a lot of difference having a clear spot to quit.
I have not seen anything in years that I'd want to binge watch. Most series these days I Can barely tolerate for 45 minutes at a time.

I doubt this movie will be so epic and gripping that it can hold my attention for 240 minutes.
I think DC wanted to race MARVEL and brought JL too soon. Even Batman v Superman was rushed IMO. They didn't develop the characters with their own movies, nor create momentum, that and the JL roster fell short; they needed a least a couple more characters like Grenn Lantern or Martian Hunter. The worst part is that DC CAN do superhero movies, there's Aquaman and WW as proof. Had those been out before JL, maybe it would have fared better.
BTW I did like Men of Steel, but I think killing Zod was a mistake.
It was, but Superman killed Zod in the 1980's film and it was also done in a comic book.
I don't recall Superman Killing Zod on the 80's film, didn't he send him back to the phantom zone?

Anyway, I wanted to see Zod on a sequel, it was a great villian.
I don't recall Superman Killing Zod on the 80's film, didn't he send him back to the phantom zone?

Anyway, I wanted to see Zod on a sequel, it was a great villian.

Yes he did. He threw him into a pit in the Fortress of Solitude.

I would have liked to have seen Zod in a sequel to Man of Steel as well. Especially since we have so few good villains in films these days. I thought he was a decent enough villain and could have been made better with some more development.
4:3? What they cut off the sides of the film? Even open matte is 16:9 these days.
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