Zack Snyder’s Four-Hour Cut of Justice League Hits HBO Max on March 18

I heard somewhere that he also wanted it to be black and white. I say why not go all the way then: Make it a black and white 4:3 silent film :p

Either way the 4:3 makes me laugh, I don't know what were they thinking. I wouldn't even pirate a 4:3 movie.
I wish I still had my old 27" Toshiba from the mid 90's. Might have looked fine
Started watching it last night. Made it about an hour in. Feels like Zack is trying to do a 2021 version of the Lilith Fair. It definitely has that Netflix slow-burn vibe to it so far and I'm sure things will jump to light speed by the final hour. Overall perhaps an improvment if for nothing else the added material but I'm not sure if I like it yet.
I got 2/3 of the way through, I'll finish watching it later.
It's ok, not quite worth the hype though. If I had never seen Justice League before, I might be riveted even despite the huge blocks on either side of the screen.

This just makes no sense to me to release this on a streaming platform squished. It detracts from the movie for me. I'd rather it be black n white with subtitles than what is presented here.
I got 2/3 of the way through, I'll finish watching it later.
It's ok, not quite worth the hype though. If I had never seen Justice League before, I might be riveted even despite the huge blocks on either side of the screen.

This just makes no sense to me to release this on a streaming platform squished. It detracts from the movie for me. I'd rather it be black n white with subtitles than what is presented here.
Yeah I read an interview with Zack's wife who worked with him on this and she stated how this version represented his revolutionary vision for the film and how so much more image would've been lost in 16:9. I honestly don't understand that and I'm not really down with this particular revolution.
Well, I finally finished it last night. I don't for a moment believe this is what ZS was planning to originally release. I enjoyed it and do feel it's the more definitive version but in no way do I buy that this was ever truly planned to hit the big screen like this. I think he was using the strategy many filmmakers use with working on two movies at the same time. A very common way to cut down costs and time when you've got everyone there and the sets are up and you're expecting to be greenlit for a sequel. To me, it seems like he was planning something along the lines of the last two Avengers movies(sans time travel shenanigans) but with a culminating epic battle with Darkseid in the 2nd movie. It's easy to imagine how all this footage could've been edited for such a project plus filming missing the content needed for such a project.

There are a couple of things from the Whedon version I miss, the end credits scene, and something else I've already forgotten about. At the end of the day though, this is a JL movie I can appreciate and it doesn't feel like a generic copy of so many other things. Absolutely felt like he pulled together every possible amount of scrap for this version but I do like it, except for that music in the first 45 minutes or so.
Well, I finally finished it last night. I don't for a moment believe this is what ZS was planning to originally release. I enjoyed it and do feel it's the more definitive version but in no way do I buy that this was ever truly planned to hit the big screen like this. I think he was using the strategy many filmmakers use with working on two movies at the same time. A very common way to cut down costs and time when you've got everyone there and the sets are up and you're expecting to be greenlit for a sequel. To me, it seems like he was planning something along the lines of the last two Avengers movies(sans time travel shenanigans) but with a culminating epic battle with Darkseid in the 2nd movie. It's easy to imagine how all this footage could've been edited for such a project plus filming missing the content needed for such a project.

There are a couple of things from the Whedon version I miss, the end credits scene, and something else I've already forgotten about. At the end of the day though, this is a JL movie I can appreciate and it doesn't feel like a generic copy of so many other things. Absolutely felt like he pulled together every possible amount of scrap for this version but I do like it, except for that music in the first 45 minutes or so.
I finished the movie earlier in the week. I'm not well versed in comics and whatnot, and I got no reason to believe ZS did or did not actually intend to originally release Justice League like this. Wasn't a bad movie though, certainly waaaaay better than the originally-released version.

A friend sent me this article:
And from there I also saw this:
I don't know how true any of this is, and I'm not familiar with this website so I don't know how reputable it is, but it does give one food for thought. I'm just glad I got an explanation for those weird dreams Bruce Wayne kept having.

Yeah there were things missing, the end credits scene like you said, The Flash racing Superman, even little jokes like when Steppenwolf is kidnapping people and they tell him "I've got a family!", in the originally-released version, he asked "Why do people keep telling me that?" There's probably a bunch of things missing from the original release. Overall not a big deal though.
I finished the movie earlier in the week. I'm not well versed in comics and whatnot, and I got no reason to believe ZS did or did not actually intend to originally release Justice League like this. Wasn't a bad movie though, certainly waaaaay better than the originally-released version.

A friend sent me this article:
And from there I also saw this:
I don't know how true any of this is, and I'm not familiar with this website so I don't know how reputable it is, but it does give one food for thought. I'm just glad I got an explanation for those weird dreams Bruce Wayne kept having.

Yeah there were things missing, the end credits scene like you said, The Flash racing Superman, even little jokes like when Steppenwolf is kidnapping people and they tell him "I've got a family!", in the originally-released version, he asked "Why do people keep telling me that?" There's probably a bunch of things missing from the original release. Overall not a big deal though.
A bit more extravagant than I was expecting but those are some great reads and definitely confirm what I felt when watching it. You really could tell he had a more in-depth plan going on. What a shame, I think it could've been pretty cool.
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